Jack Wall and Robyn Miller are definitely good choices! :thumbsup: Some of Tim Larkin's work (from Uru and Myst V: End of Ages) is good too, in that same vein.
Some other artists I've got in my Morrowind music folder myself would be:
- http://youtu.be/FRT75w8xI-U (and also her non-solo work, as http://youtu.be/cv46A1BrNK8)
- http://youtu.be/yjPAx5-vD_A's http://youtu.be/eON5O5MRz5M on the BSG reboot
- a lot of Nordic stuff, from http://youtu.be/7eIzsnrXaQA, http://youtu.be/jYdG5Opx9A4 and Gjallarhorn. (Their faster-paced songs, of which there's quite a lot, also makes good battle music.

- Jesper Kyd's http://youtu.be/KWGIcJN7gHI to http://youtu.be/c3udu4SUsIc
The soundtrack to AC2 makes up the majority of my \Explore music folder for MW at the moment, actually. Wonderful stuff.
Edit: I'll second the recommendations for the Epic Soundtrack. I'm not using the entire set myself, as there's a few tracks I just didn't care for, but what I do have is good ambient music that suits MW very well.