I'm not using NifScript and haven't been following its development, but after seeing the talk about Universal Armor Stands in the OBSE thread, I thought I'd pop in and point out another potential use that sprang to mind.
Cobl provides a set of http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes4Mod:Cobl/Modding/Static_Alchemy_Equipment, which are scripted activators that a modder can place in a cell. Initially they look like empty alchemy equipment stands with no glassware in them, but when the player activates one while holding alchemy equipment, the script takes the equipment out of the player's inventory and copies its model path to the activator so it looks like the player's equipment was placed on the table. After that, the player can use the static alchemy equipment like normal alchemy equipment.
The trouble is that although the initial (empty stands) models are immobile, the real alchemy equipment models have Havok data, so when those models are copied to the static alchemy equipment, they can be bumped around, fall off the table, picked up with the Z key and thrown across the room, or whatever -- despite having names like "Stationary Alembic" when you look at them, and being intended to stay where the modder placed them.
If NifScript supports (or will support) removing Havok data from models for showler's armor stands, the same could probably be used to fix Cobl's static alchemy equipment. I'd be willing to take a shot at updating Cobl's scripts, though I'm not sure what their policy is on OBSE plugin dependencies (or whether Cobl is even being maintained now that Wrye is retired).
I've been watching the NifScript project with interest, but I don't think it would warrant being added as yet another dependency for Cobl for this particular instance. I'm sure that there will be other innovative reasons to consider including it later on though.
Cobl provides two modes for static alchemy items. One with OBSE enabled, and one without OBSE enabled.
The OBSE enabled version uses the copymodelpath function to copy the model path. When I coded the scripts for that portion, I did mean for the player to be able to pick up and move the objects around. They were stationary in the fact that you couldn't pick them up into your inventory, not that they couldn't move at all.
The non-OBSE enabled version was more interesting to implement since I'm a scripter/coder, but had to do some actual modeling. I went through a bunch of scripting options that worked, but were flawed...ultimately I created new animated models. I merged each of the standard apparatuses levels (apprentice through grandmaster) into a single nif, and switched between them with different animation groups using a vis controller. For the empty stands, I just removed the glass portion of the apparatuses, and merged a pestle with a piece of paper for the empty mortar & pestle. For these, they are all immobile. I meant for the two options to be available to the end modder to choose between.
I provided the models and scripts to haama, but I don't recall exactly how he implemented them. I don't know if the OBSE version is automatically used if OBSE is present, or if the modder was allowed to choose which version to use. Really, the non-OBSE version worked out so nicely that I personally use a custom version of it in my games.
So, what I guess I'm saying is that this might simply be solved by using the non-OBSE version of the scripts. This might mean getting haama to change the scripts slightly so that the OBSE version isn't automatically used. I coulda sworn though that the modder was allowed to choose between the two modes :shrug: