All of these "coming back" attempts have failed.
So here I am looking for mods to make morrowind "playable" to me. I have a few things that make it unplayable, and I'll list them below.
1. Graphics (I have a 1700 dollar home built PC that benchmarks at a 2700 dollar alienware desktop. I want to make the game pretty, and I've been spoiled my games lately. Morrowind is just too hideous to play, for me at least)
2. Engine (though this isn't as big of an issue, dropping a fork on a table and having a plate and sword fall of is a tad annoying)
3. Sound effects (I love the voices, and fargoth's voice makes me happy and oh-so-furious all at the same time. It's the awkward sound effects that frustrate me)
4. Menu (The game menu is just plane annoying. Though I feel like this would fit in with my first issue with playing morrowind again, i'd really like to see a re-skin of the in-game popup menu.)
5. Fight Mechanics (Swing, Swing, Swing, Swing, Swing, Jab, Swing, Swing, they're dead. need I say more?)
So yeah guys, I'm basically just looking for a total re-skin of the game, to make it playable to at least where oblivion was (remember, oblivion was released 5 years ago now... that's not so much to ask for, is it?) I'm even willing to pay for the mod, probably up to 20, 25 bucks, and i'd certainly donate 10 bucks to any gnu based or other free mod I use.
So let's start up the suggestions? Because I'm dying to play morrowind again!