Console Questions

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:29 am

As the Topic Description asks: How can you remove the factions from NPC's and Monsters so they will attack any creature they see.


Say I wanted to spawn 1 Wolf and 1 Boar and I wanted them to fight each other. What Console Command would I have to use, im guessing you remove all of their factions and then they just attack each other or maybe you have to add them to another. No idea. If it has nothing to do with factions then i'm sorry for being a nab :P. Could you please help me :)

PS - Sorry if this is the wrong sub-forum to post this in, wasn't one specifically on the Console but its about scripts, please move it if its in the wrong place :)


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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:40 am

To remove thier faction by console, click on them and type SetFactionRank FactionID, -1, where FactionID is the Editor ID of the faction you want them removed from.
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:31 am

Damn, wish there was an easy way

But if i remove them from all their factions they will be hostile to everything?
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daniel royle
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:41 am

Damn, wish there was an easy way

You can remove their factions in the CS. Then you won't have to click on them every time. Alternately, you can create new wolves and boars and put them in factions that are hostile to one another. When you spawn those, they'll go after each other on sight.

But if i remove them from all their factions they will be hostile to everything?

It depends on their Aggression setting in the AI tab. If it's high, they'll attack anything that moves.
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