Not sure what you mean ? -> the skeleton and all secondary.nifs (set within the Models Tab) are all used together to create the entire object palette so any blocks that reside are allowed to be controlled by an animation.
Ok ... let me explain what I think I understand.
I think that in skeleton.nif ... the mesh needs to be a child of the animation's root node\Base for it to be considered a "controlled block". Unless this is true Nifscope spawns an error about missing controlled blocks and the fading effect does not occur.
In my case the root node\Base for death.kf is Bip01 ... and unless the mesh is a child of Bip01 it is not considered a "controlled block".
Now I can not make my mesh a child of Bip01 since that effects the other animations ... so my workaround is to add new nodes under Bip01 in the skeleton which bear the name and properties of the mesh.
At least in nifscope this seems to work out. I no longer get an error about missing "controlled blocks" ... and the fading occurs.
However that does not seem to help with the game.
I just got my eye on some errors that are spawning when death.kf loads in the CS
NiControllerSequence::StoreTargets 'anotherghost\death.kf'failed to find target with the following identifiers:
m_pcAVObjectName Robe
m_pcPropertyType NiMaterialProperty
m_pcCtlrType NiAlphaController
NiControllerSequence::StoreTargets 'anotherghost\death.kf'failed to find target with the following identifiers:
m_pcAVObjectName Editable Mesh
m_pcPropertyType NiMaterialProperty
m_pcCtlrType NiAlphaController
NiControllerSequence::StoreTargets 'anotherghost\death.kf'failed to find target with the following identifiers:
m_pcAVObjectName left arm
m_pcPropertyType NiMaterialProperty
m_pcCtlrType NiAlphaController
NiControllerSequence::StoreTargets 'anotherghost\death.kf'failed to find target with the following identifiers:
m_pcAVObjectName right arm
m_pcPropertyType NiMaterialProperty
m_pcCtlrType NiAlphaController
NiControllerSequence::StoreTargets 'anotherghost\death.kf'failed to find target with the following identifiers:
m_pcAVObjectName Head
m_pcPropertyType NiMaterialProperty
m_pcCtlrType NiAlphaController
All of these are the meshes that are supposed to disappear ... the robe, head and arms.
These nodes ARE present in the skeleton ... and they DO have both the material property and AlphaController {though the AlphaController is assigned to the material property instead of directly to the node}
I believe it is quite similar to what nifscope was saying when I first tried the death animation ... complaining about missing "controlled blocks" on the skeleton|mesh ... the meshes are not a child of Bip01 ... and hence not a valid target for animation.
I think this is also the cause of the crash ...