Maybe you remember me. I have some Morrowind Mods here http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=User.EntriesListing&id=191766
Now I have a little problem, and I need some help from community..
When I was inactive, I was playing my bosmer character Aleira. Her face was one of your texture replacer I guess.
That texture replacer is " Westly's Modelling Agency (a Head Pack)" / http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=6158 /and I just pick up one face and reworked it to this -
But there is a BIG problem. I buy a new PC for work and my HD does "BOOM" and I lost a big part of my Morrowind work. Now I install morrowind and I want to start with my old character Areila. But I lost her face-tweaked texture.... I'm lost because I can't do again really same face as before it was. I lost one of my texturing knowledge and she's not same.
I have a big question for someone advanced and experienced with face-texturing who can help me with it... I promise that I will be very happy. I post some screen shots of her and I need a perfect copy of her face. Because t is based on the Westly's mod, please IF you help me, send me it via. PM. Permission is permission, I want it for my personal using

So I have some old pictures of Aleira here
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5
/Race is Bosmer, it is first face in the picture from right side http://pnmedia.gamespy.com/planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/fms/images/mods/6158/1198441424_fullres.jpg that was tweaked...