Using the form ID finder;, I have found the offending mod.
Its OOO version 1.33
The ID for the OOO shields is similar to the MMM shields:
OOO = Goblinshield4ooo
Its seems like the simplest decision is to just change the name of the OOO shields to something else so that the player knows which ones to bring to the quest giver. Or I can attempt to delete the shields for OOO somehow.
Any suggestions?
For some reason when I try to change the names (not the editor id or form id) of the OOO shields the CS will not let me save I keep getting error messages.
It says:
AssertionAssert at, 1629516914
With a choice to Abort, retry or ignore and I can't activate any plugins from error because it says its has a corrupt editor no matter how I name it.
One thing I want to say that I HATE when the construction set does things like this I have done things like this many times before but now I can't simply rename a few shields without an unnecessary error message!