I'm extremely new to scripting and would like to make a script for the following:
Once a player equips a shovel in their inventory when they are in a specific cell (this script does not work in any other cell), they are teleported to another cell.
This is my very hopeful attempt at the script so far:
scriptname UseShovelbegin OnEquipif player.IsIncell DarkCave01 *Feel free to laugh at this!* player.unequipItem Shovel011 messagebox "Welcome to the Underworld!" player.moveToMarker DarkCave02Marker *I would prefer not to use a marker but do not know any other method.*elsemessagebox "You can't use that item here."end
Sorry.. I have literally been using the construction set for no more then half an hour and have literally no experience in coding. So, I had a pretty hopeful go at writing the script because I think it's unfair to expect others to do all the work when I haven't even tried.
Anyways, see if you can help me out!