I am a new player to the elder scrolls series and have a question about were the best location is to aquire lockpicks. Being a new player and old and terrible I burnt through the 25 or so you start with learning how to pick locks on my first door and now only seem to aquire them very sparatically. Any advice would be appreciated.
I usually find them on goblins. But seeing as how you are just starting out... there is a guy, his name is Shady Sam. He is stationed just outside the Imperial City, near the stables. He stands to the inside of one of the battlements there. Go out the door, stables on your right, bridge in front of you. Turn right, and check along the wall. He is about three or four down. He sells them. He does not have the "Persuade" option in his speech menu. Just click on the left one, and that will bring up his barter menu.
ninja'd I see.