I was wondering if maybe they could implement undead with more personality while walking stupid zombies that just mindlessly attack is ok (they have no brain after all) I kind of want to fight some undead with personality. I'm not sure if people saw the original "The Mummy" movie, but there was a distinct scene there that I loved, it was when Brenden Fraser (Rick) was being attack by these 3 mummies and he stoped for a second and was like "raawwr!!" to which the mummies looked at him and as they clearly dislocated their jaws they were like "RAAWWWR!!"
here is the scene (srry for bad quality):
As you notice the mummies had high agility the were jumping on things all ninja style and if you've seen the mummy series you know that in the first two movies the mummies were total ninja badasses.
Im not sure if Im getting my point across but, I guess liven up the undead Beth.
what do you guys think.