» Tue May 17, 2011 1:42 pm
I made two main classes (I have made others but these two are my main)
The first one was a Nord.
His specialization was "Combat"
Skills were all three Endurance = 1. Armorer, 2. Block, 3. Heavy Armor.
then all three Willpower skills = 4. Alteration, 5. Destruction, 6. Restoration
I then gave him 7. Blunt (Strength) as a weapon. Though I later changed him to use a sword as I like the Daedric heavy swords.
I gave him all heavy as he is obviously all out fighter. I gave him Willpower skills as it enabled ranged attacks (destruction) and also gave him the ability to heal himself. Alteration as it enabled him to not have to lockpick. He could also carry more & shield himself from magic.
For Birthsign I gave him the Warrior ( Strength +10, Endurance +10) though I could have also given him the Lady (Willpower +10, Endurance +10)
He now wheres the Nights of the Nine heavy Armor which is good as it is suited to a Nord story wise.
I then made a Bosmer (Wood Elf).
His specialization was ""Stealth"
Skills were all three Agility = 1. Security, 2. Marksman, 3. Sneak.
then all three Speed = 4. Acrobatics, 5. Athletics, 6. Light Armor
and for weapon I gave him 7. Blade (Strength)
He wears Elven Armor with a red hood and relies mostly on a bow. His sneak and marksman are maxed. He is great fun to play.