We should probably get back on topic soon. Before a big scary bear leaps out of the lake and grabs us with his big scary claws.
Also make the lake on the map red, and include the words "DANGER, DO NOT CROSS". And they'll still cross.
Have messages pop up as the player progresses across the lake, telling them to stop.
"You can not go that way. Turn back.""No, really. Turn back.""You really should turn back.""I'm warning you!""Okay, it's your funeral. I'll stay back here."That reminds me, I wonder what the currency will be referred to in ES V. Medes? That would get confusing. "A pitcher of mead? That'll be seven Medes."

I really never understood how currency worked out in these games. In Arena and Daggerfall we just had the default "gold pieces", whilst in Morrowind everybody was calling them Drakes. That seemed like fitting slang for the Bretons and Nords, but it really sounded awkward for the Elves. For TES V, I could imagine them being kept as Septims. To be honest, I think that the name Septim is more fitting for a piece of gold/jewellry than an emperor.