[WIP] Merlins successor

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:36 am

hi i know i say a lot about making different mods but i have had troubles with my computer. Merlins succsixr has a lot of thought. idea: a floating tower top comes and floats above the imperial city. you get a bunch(3) of imperial soldiers come and find u. they give u a msg saying the elder council has eveaned(comes together) about the threat. the imperial commander puts u in the legion. you have to do a searies of quests and then you meet merlin and you can either choose a choicw choice A you can throw him in jail or oprion B you can gwt trained to take over merlins legacy. this mod will include a veriety of new spells complete with new animations and new clothes / armor. thats all at the momnt so pleas dont put m down
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Sammie LM
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:59 pm

A couple of friendly suggestions :) :

1. Correct your spelling and grammar. People will not take you seriously if you cannot communicate clearly. Doesn't have to be perfect, but it should show that you care about your idea enough to present it in its best light. Also, make sure you're using the right words. (What is 'eveaned'?)
2. Elaborate on the idea (but don't give too much away). Why has Merlin come to the Imperial City? Why are you being given this mission? What happens if you take on Merlin's legacy? How do you propose to 'arrest' Merlin and throw him in jail (if that is your choice)?
3. Consider how you will respond to people who complain that your mod is not 'lore-friendly'. Does it have to be Merlin floating over the IC? Can Merlin be replaced with a lore-friendly alternative?
4. What are your credentials? Creating new spells with custom animations and new clothing and armor is a tall task. Do you have any prior experience in these fields? If not, avoid stating that your mod will include them up front. Just say that you'd like to add them to the mod down the road.

I hope you don't take these suggestions as being overly harsh. With proper cultivation, any idea can become the seed of a great mod.

Good luck!
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:03 pm

hi. thanks for the tips. ill try to use propper spelling lol. i have experiance with mesh making but not textures. animation looks complicated but like all great things it can be mastered lol. thanks for the tips
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Juanita Hernandez
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