First off, the timer being a short. Doh... They still dissapeared so I dunno how it was working.

I tried your script exactly the same but without the AttachAshPile line as I want them completely gone with no trace, but it didnt work. They were disabled after the 1.8 seconds, but there was still no effect on them.

On an unrelated note, while I'm here, I need some help making it so every time you hit someone with a sledge hammer, it makes the Pulse grenades blast where you hit, but only if you make contact with an NPC, so not if you hit a wall or something. Also, can the blast do dmg to them but the not player? Is that possible? I already have the custom form of the sledge hammer made and all, I just need to know what effect or script to put where. I also will probably make a custom Pulse grenade explosion so I can tweak it to my liking.