What is AWS?
This is a very large weather addon for Oblivion. It has more than 100 different weather types. Including 60 or so for the Shivering Isles expansion. It is a separate file included so if you do not own SI you can still use AWS.
It also adds a seasonal weather system and improves night time and the water.
V2.5 Update
Tweaked and fixed some of the cloud textures, including cleaning them up a bit, (there were some artifacts on the clear day ones).
Put the water changes into a separate esp so you are not forced to use it.
Put the changes to existing Oblivion records in an esp and not the esm, this is better practice and means the AWS-Main esp can be put down the loadorder to make things easier regarding conflicts (e.g with knights of the
nine as it changes some weather regions).
Some purty pics
If you are also hosting AWS please post or pm me the link and I will add it to the download section of this post.