Actually, the metric system of measurement is inherently flawed. The reason for this is that mathematically speaking, a base of 10 makes no sense. We think it's easy numerically, but that's because our number system also has a base of 10, which is should not. A base of 12 (or some other multiple of 2, like 16) is better for the simple reason that 10 cannot be split 3 ways. You end up with 3 numbers with infinite decimal places (3.333333 etc) that don't quite add up to 10.
Forgive me this completely off-topic post, but I'm a computer science major, and I just couldn't resist.
In a thread full of risible posts on different ways of naming dates, this has got to be the most crankish yet.
Anyway, as for updates: most likely we won't have to wait until E3 to see gameplay footage. We know that we'll see gameplay footage in a month whose name contains the letter "r". E3 does not occur in such a month; the first such month after E3 is September. For such a big name title, for Bethesda to not show gameplay at E3, and then to wait until September... well, it would be an odd marketing strategy, to say the least. PAX is in March - I think that's a reasonably good bet. But sometime between now and the end of April, we'll see gameplay - I think we can be almost certain of that.