I'll be using a great mod I just found called "Enchanting Skill" by opaj, but the problem is the game doesn't allow you to enchant staves correctly. I tried to see if i could enchant a stave simply by adding the unfinished staff (from the mages guild quest) to my character (turned off "quest item" for the item) and then tried to enchant it with fire. It added an "on strike" enchant that does nothing but add the fire animation to the staff and set the creature/npc that i was close enough to on fire. Which was kind of strange the npc was on fire yet no damage was done and the npc didn't become hostile.
Here is my idea on how to get around this problem. A quick note: I'm a beginer when i comes to scripting.
Is it possible to attach an onEquip script to the "unfinished staff" that checks to see what kind of enchant is on it (which is going to be elemental damage on touch) and then it would remove that staff and replace it with the proper "damage on cast" staff with the same name,element, and damage. Can a script "scan" the staffs enchanting data and then use those variables to create a new staff?
One problem i see happening here is If i attach the script to the "unfinished staff" will that script stay attached to the item after it is enchanted? Once an item is enchanted it's id is renamed to what ever you make it on the enchanting screen.
I'm pretty sure I jumped in the deep end here, but I'm going to post this anyway and see if somebody can point me in the right direction.