Repetitive New Threads

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:53 am

I think your missing the whole point of why I made the original post.
Most new members will come to a forum, read the stickies and basic rules.
Then use the search function to find basic questions they may want answered.
With literally dozens of independent threads open, where do these people start finding the information they are looking for?
On top of that, as I mentioned in the OP, often these threads carry misleading or even incorrect information.
Nobody is denying any member the right to sumit a new thread topic, but....

You're making a critical error in assuming new members actually "read the stickies and basic rules" and "use the search function" let alone are aware of its existance. I think the average persons joins with a question they want answered and, given it's an open forum, make a thread. You can't stop it and creating an entire thread to complain about it and, intentionally or not, singling people out, is just an excuse to flame and make people feel bad.

This thread is a mistake in my opinion. Which I'm entitled to and have now voiced. :D Carry on.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:15 am

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Great librarie scenes!!!
The last one was the best!
Anyway, I'm in with just posting the official thread.
I remember one person, who had two stars under his name. I don't remember his name, but I do remember the picture he had. He was quite an experienced user, but insisted on asking questions that were always answered in the readme.
Such as to name a few: How to insall OBMM? (I'm not sure how much this is explained in the RM, I havent used it in a while) How to ajust the setting ins Map Marker Overhaul, How to install various other mods... etc.
Also, something I don't believe has been addressed yet: When People post threads asking other people to find mods for them. The concept isn't what I'm mad at, just that we already have threads for that. The Mod Physics thread and the other one which I can't remember. So should we just link to these also?
Edit: If the person I'm talking about in my post, the one I don't remember the name to, reads this, I'm not trying to single you out or "pick on you." Just a nother example in the mass of people who have done it.
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:11 am

Everyone posting in the same thread doesn't make sense either, people's questions can get lost in the mass and help can be difficult to get for specific issues. :nod:

I disagree. Mod authors create RELz threads for this very purpose: to accumulate all the questions concerning their mod into one thread. So, in one way, it benefits the modder. It also helps the mod user because their question has a greater chance of being answered by the modder. Many modders will not go as far as to search through specific threads to answer questions about their mod. I actually think making a specific thread for a question that deserves to be in one of the larger threads are more ignored and less effectively answered. The RELz mods have more people around to help you, people that may or may not like to read through every single "HELP ME. CTDS WITH FCOM" thread.
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:29 pm

@Darkrider, I think your missing the whole point of why I made the original post.
Most new members will come to a forum, read the stickies and basic rules.
Then use the search function to find basic questions they may want answered.
With literally dozens of independent threads open, where do these people start finding the information they are looking for?
On top of that, as I mentioned in the OP, often these threads carry misleading or even incorrect information.
Nobody is denying any member the right to sumit a new thread topic, but....

Just because I disagree doesn't mean I missed the point, but thanks for the summary. :rolleyes:

I understood your post completely, you posted to vent your frustration with what you see as an issue. But the reality is, there is no forum based solution to this issue. Look mate it's not just the mods section, I have a whole list of answers to FAQ on the CS forum too that I just copy/paste to new users when they crop up; usually several times weekly. That is just a fact of life on a forum. :shrug:

People are posting for help with these major mods all over the net on English and non English boards everywhere; and I guarantee the information gets lost in translation too. This forum carries a disclaimer that the information posted is not guaranteed to be accurate. There is no way to control in a forum who posts questions or who posts answers, it's a level of control that is just impossible. I get that you would like to see the correct information condensed into a single location, but that is up to modders of these major projects to create websites devoted to them, as most of these have. That is the only place where accurate information can be gathered and guaranteed.

As a user on this forum you are welcome to ignore requests for help or direct them to a thread or site, but there's no way to stop the occurrence of repetitive threads on a forum. :)

[Edited to avoid double post]
I disagree. Mod authors create RELz threads for this very purpose: to accumulate all the questions concerning their mod into one thread. So, in one way, it benefits the modder.

I agree with that, RELz threads definitely play one important role in a mod release, my point was that it's not all roses to the other extreme either. I have posted in RELz threads and had my questions overlooked amidst other posts; so what kind of help was it? :shrug:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:01 am

Hey since I seem to be one of the problem peole I guess I didn't realize what this installed I use to play everquest before it got toooo expensive and used forum and got together and did what is called rads and people tried to help each other. So please forgive my transgressions and i promise to use this forum site better and I hope you guys will still give me the time of day thsi is an awesome game and modding makes it better i for you guys who make the mod excelent stuff again sorry
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:08 am

Hey since I seem to be one of the problem peole I guess I didn't realize what this installed I use to play everquest before it got toooo expensive and used forum and got together and did what is called rads and people tried to help each other. So please forgive my transgressions and i promise to use this forum site better and I hope you guys will still give me the time of day thsi is an awesome game and modding makes it better i for you guys who make the mod excelent stuff again sorry

I'm not sure what you mean by the "time of day" but we will never stop helping someone. Unless they like do something REALLY bad... Like kill the president or something...
Anyway, you don't have to appoligize. There is nothing to forgive. We're not trying to criticize people for what they've done, but to help them to do better in the future.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:45 am

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Great librarie scenes!!!
The last one was the best!
Anyway, I'm in with just posting the official thread.
I remember one person, who had two stars under his name. I don't remember his name, but I do remember the picture he had. He was quite an experienced user, but insisted on asking questions that were always answered in the readme.
Such as to name a few: How to insall OBMM? (I'm not sure how much this is explained in the RM, I havent used it in a while) How to ajust the setting ins Map Marker Overhaul, How to install various other mods... etc.
Also, something I don't believe has been addressed yet: When People post threads asking other people to find mods for them. The concept isn't what I'm mad at, just that we already have threads for that. The Mod Physics thread and the other one which I can't remember. So should we just link to these also?
Edit: If the person I'm talking about in my post, the one I don't remember the name to, reads this, I'm not trying to single you out or "pick on you." Just a nother example in the mass of people who have done it.

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Chelsea Head
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:12 am

Hey I appreciate the constructive critizism and I always own up to my mistakes and when meek posted the people who started a lot of thread recently i check and new i was one of the culerates and wanted to make amends for what i had done so if i need help which I'm sure I will you guys would still help me.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:16 am

Hey I appreciate the constructive critizism and I always own up to my mistakes and when meek posted the people who started a lot of thread recently i check and new i was one of the culerates and wanted to make amends for what i had done so if i need help which I'm sure I will you guys would still help me.

Like I said before, we will never stop helping you... Unless you kill the president...
And You kindof got me confused as to why you just quoted my post. I dont believe it was you, he had two stars and in fact I'm pretty sure his name started with a c...
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james reed
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:14 am

Like I said before, we will never stop helping you... Unless you kill the president...
And You kindof got me confused as to why you just quoted my post. I dont believe it was you, he had two stars and in fact I'm pretty sure his name started with a c...

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Jennifer May
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:13 am

Sorry abou the post i hit the wrong button and thanks
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:00 am

Well, the moderators do try to keep these forums an organized place. You can help us by reporting out-of-order threads rather than perpetuating them by chatting over whether the thread should be there in the first place.

Independent threads when there is an official, longstanding unofficial, work-in-progress, or release thread are a real headache, because it causes members to have to search multiple threads for places to answer a question or find an answer, it pushes working threads down the forums to where they become harder to find, and it creates the impression that members are not reading what is already there before they post.

If you are one of the ones who always reads the manual when you get a new program, always reads the rules when joining a forum, always reads the FAQ and searches for previous posts on a question before making a thread, and always reads a thread and checks the dates of recent posts before responding, kudos to you. The forums need more members like you.

But most of us don't do most of those things. We welcome you and want you to enjoy your time here anyway. But now it's time for the rounds of apologies and constructive criticism to take the night off. Closing time.
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