Masters for quiksave.ess:001 Morrowind.esm002 Tribunal.esm003 Bloodmoon.esm004 Morrowind Patch v1.6.5-BETA.esm005 entertainers.esp006 AreaEffectArrows.esp007 bcsounds.esp008 master_index.esp009 LeFemmArmor.esp010 adamantiumarmor.esp011 EBQ_Artifact.esp012 NX9_Guards_Complete.ESP013 DXM_masterindex_journalfix.esp014 Madd Leveler - Base.esp015 Madd Leveler - Spell Effects.esp016 Madd Leveler - Madd Health.esp017 Madd Leveler - Sederien Skills.esp018 Madd Leveler - Quest Cap Remover.esp019 Madd Leveler - Vampire Cap Remover.esp020 Madd Leveler - Werewolf Cap Remover.esp021 Keyring.esp022 Siege at Firemoth.esp023 Healers.esp024 Unique Banners and Signs.esp025 DB_Attack_Mod.esp026 Blight Bounties.esp027 Syc_HerbalismforPurists (Pearl Bug Edit).esp (Version 1.2)028 Syc_HerbalismforPurists_BM.esp029 Syc_HerbalismforPurists_TB.esp030 Legionpapers.esp031 Ownership Indicator.esp032 NEDE v1.2.esp033 Spect Sorcery pt 1.esp034 Time Display.esp035 Tireless running.esp036 Smaller Passive Cliff Racers.esp037 LeftGloves_Addon_v2.esp038 Westly_Presents_Unique_Corprus_Stalkers.esp039 Westly_Presents_Unique_Winged_Twilights.esp040 WA_Signy_Signposts(!).ESP041 Scout's Services 2.esp042 Scout's Services - Companion Travel.esp043 Windows Glow.esp044 Windows Glow - Tribunal Eng.esp045 Windows Glow - Bloodmoon Eng.esp046 Windows Glow - Raven Rock Eng.esp047 Better Bodies.esp048 New Argonian Bodies - Clean.esp049 New Khajiit Bodies - Clean.esp050 Better Clothes_v1.1_nac.esp051 More Better Clothes.ESP052 IceNioLivRobeReplacerALL.esp053 Talrivian's State-Based HP Mod v.2.2.esp054 LeveledMagicka.esp055 Solstien_undialog.esp056 Nymeria's magicka potions adder.esp057 MWE_Base.esp058 MWE_MagickaSpells.esp059 Mashed Lists.esp
The problem is, with "Solstien_undialog.esp" loaded, choosing "latest rumors" on EVERY SINGLE NPC in Vvardenfell will lead to the usual Solstheim rumour, BUT since this mod makes the word "Solstheim" unclickable (no blue hyperlink), it'll basically make that rumour stuck in that state forever and the game never produces any other rumours.
This happens with all NPCs in the world, unlike what is advertised in the Solstheim Undialog readme (only NPCs in certain regions will produce the Solstheim rumour).
What am I doing wrong?