
Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:23 pm

I second this. I "felt" it when I fell off a building playing Mirror's Edge. Could be slightly silly with the addition of my idea though.

Player gets beheaded by a finisher in first person. Head falls to the ground and rolls in time to see his body fall...*blackness* I assume that's how it might work since your brain is still happening for a little bit. I don't know if you would actually "see" it though :shrug:

Oh, your brain still works for a good 10-15 seconds after your head's cut off. You can still see, blink, move your mouth, etc.

Scary stuff. :o
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:54 am

i think it would be cool if the very second you die you hear like a deep quick bass drum and the the screen turns black. then the menu to load a game fades in a few seconds later after the reality of your death has settled in. so it really gives you the feeling of sudden death. what do ya think?
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:34 am

I think when you die it should just depend on if you were in third or first person view. If you die in third person view maybe it does a Fallout 3 type thing where it shows the NPCs reacting to your death or if it's a pack of animals they start to devour your corpse. And if you die in first person view it should be the same but you only see what your eyes can see and everything fades to black.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:23 am

Well the death music in Oblivion just pissed me off, and the slow motion in Fallout 3 (after a really frustrating battle) made me want to kill myself IRL.

I think this is the best way to do it

I hope you actually can stay in first person when you get killed. Just stumble over, blackness. Leaves a much stronger and more visceral feel on the player - "you've just failed and now you're dead". Don't need any overdramatic ragdoll sequences or pansy death music.

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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:40 am

No immediate death.

First, should start playing.

Then things should go into slow motion and sound affects would start to echo.

The player loses the ability to properly swing their weapon or block. Like they can try, but it's totally ineffective. If the player tries to run, they fall and can try to crawl. The player's actions may be replaced by horrific screams or painful yells.

Blood begins to pour out. The camera shakes violently as they are hit by weapons and spells. The enemies laugh and mock the fallen champion. Companions call out in disbelief.

The player collapses and can no longer move, but still sees whatever direction their head is facing. The view slowly fading into blackness.
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Heather Kush
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:42 am

I don't care how I die, really. I've cracked up on a lot of rag-doll deaths though...
I think it would be cool if enemies had finishing moves against you when you die. Like, if a wolf attacks you and kills you, it should show a animation of it ripping your throat out with it's jaw and possibly trying to eat you (and no, I'm not just saying that for more blood and guts). Or, if a Dragon kills you, it could stomp on you and force you to the ground and use fire to burn your face or something. Something realistic like that. For humanoid enemies though, there should just be a finishing move for whatever weapon they're using.
I think that stuff would be awesome!
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:10 am

If I die I want to see my character kneeling in front of Sithis, praying for mercy.

Sithis is a padomaic force, not an evil deity.
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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:41 am

One thing I would like is an option to bring up the load screen instead of just having it pop up automatically after a couple of seconds, so if I die fighting something and I fall off a cliff I can watch my body crash and roll instead of just watching my character fall for like two seconds just to see the game freeze and force me to load a previous save right away.
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Paul Rice
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:15 am

I want my character to explode with bright light, and see a, triple rainbow burst his corpse while 80's rock music plays in the background.

Actually no, I don't really care, anything is fine with me. I didn't mind how Fallout 3 did it, can't remember how Oblivion did it.

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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:50 am

I personally hope it doesn't leave first person. Maybe if you're stabbed on the final blow you look down to see a sword sticking out of you, then you fall over and the screen fades to black while epic/sad music plays. Then the menu would pop up.

Edit: what Mytch said.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:25 am

Dying svcks. So if I die, even by a mudcrab, I want to be able to watch my souls ascension into the heavens, along with some bad ass orchestra music.
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:58 am

I like the first-person "keel over + blackness" idea. Quick and realistic and shocking. Kinda reminds me of Daggerfall's death...since there was no 3rd person, death had to be first person, and all that happens is your character makes a sort of "aghk" noise and falls to the ground, the last sight before the screen fading being your enemy's feet. Then a little movie (skippable) plays of your own entombing.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:29 pm

No immediate death.

First, should start playing.

Then things should go into slow motion and sound affects would start to echo.

The player loses the ability to properly swing their weapon or block. Like they can try, but it's totally ineffective. If the player tries to run, they fall and can try to crawl. The player's actions may be replaced by horrific screams or painful yells.

Blood begins to pour out. The camera shakes violently as they are hit by weapons and spells. The enemies laugh and mock the fallen champion. Companions call out in disbelief.

The player collapses and can no longer move, but still sees whatever direction their head is facing. The view slowly fading into blackness.

So you want a grown man to start crying and have his wife walk in on him and point and laugh? sounds awesome!
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:56 pm

i want a blur affect, then a slow 1st person pan of my characters head slowly looking towards the sky, then darkness, --
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Symone Velez
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:38 am

I don′t care how they do it as long as it doesn′t switch to 3rd person when you die. Oh, and no "death tune" please, it gets annoying after a while.
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claire ley
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:34 pm

I don't really care, just as long as the load screen doesn't cut off the death scene like in Oblivion. I always thought it was fun to jump off of Dive Rock and see my character rag-doll down the mountainside. ^_^ But sadly, the load screen always ruined the fun of it, I never got to the bottom. <_<
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:42 am

I want my character to explode with bright light, and see a, triple rainbow burst his corpse while 8070's glam rock music plays in the background.

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CSar L
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:42 am

I want some Blood. Like in Spartacus: Blood and Sand. BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!!!!!
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:11 am

I want my character to explode with bright light, and see a, triple rainbow burst his corpse while 80's rock music plays in the background.

Actually no, I don't really care, anything is fine with me. I didn't mind how Fallout 3 did it, can't remember how Oblivion did it.

TrOL LOL LOL LOL LOOOL love it! want it too :shocking:
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:29 am

First person deaths sound awesome. if impaled you grab the blade/shaft in shock then fall over after it is brutally ripped from you body, your vision fades as blood pools around you.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:34 am

I think it would be awsome if they did this : "You move in for a final attack. The enemy is too quick however, and drives his blade sraght through your abdomen. You look down, seeing blood pour out of the wound, you start to fall as your enemy lets go of a firm grasp on your shoulder....(fade to black as you fall)
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