I don't agree with the cultural and religious domination; Morrowind had its unique culture practically untouched by the imperial presence, which was bureacratric and military only (and you can consider that military presence as a peacekeeping force).
What happens when the empire pulls out (or crumbles)? Black Marsh invades Morrowind, the Summerset Isles invade Valenwood, civil war breaks out in Skyrim... I think that an imperial military presence would have prevented all of that and generally just kept the peace.
As for the rest; well some Nibenese sure were arrogant but it never bothered me (or my Colovian char

), and as far as I could tell the leaders (i.e. the emperors) were wise and even prophetic (case in point: releasing the Nerevarine). Just don't mention Jagar Tharn...
Well, I'll mention http://www.imperial-library.info/content/oblivion-madness-pelagius then...("será por ejemplos", as we'd say here...

). Don't think that the Empire was much more peaceful when the Septims had the power...that book is a nice example of that.
Vvanderfell had built on it 5 Imperial forts in the 40 years (or less, I don't remember now) that was open to foreigners. And they also put an Imperial Legion garrison in Morrowind's own capital (Mournhold). Yes, you can say (as any Imperial would surely say) that they put them in order to keep peace. I say that it's extremely suspicious that the forts were built just near each major city, and in the capital itself. Oh, and the biggest and most inportant fort (Ebonheart) was built near the biggest and most important city (Vivec). How casual, isn't it? It's like they'd like to have an asset if something dangerous
or revolutionary happens there....
And as I said in another post, (about the cultural invasion), there are many ways to do it. Not always it has to be imposed quickly and by force. You could simply introduce a foreign culture and religion in a region, then get the people to be used to it, and gain adepts until they both become major. Slow, but effective.
I agree peace must be kept, but it's a bitter choice to make, at least with the current Empire layout.
P.D: As a curious note (and continuing my RL example), the french also entered Spain "just to go though it and attack Portugal" (which was England's ally)... get my point?

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