Your "Oh crap, I'm screwed" moments...

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:43 am

When umbra killed my clanfear in 3 seconds.

Umbra is one tough cookie. Whenever I go after her, (and I do in every game, cause I love that sword--yeah, I never finish that quest. Le'go my Umbra! :tongue: ), I always make sure to have plenty of healing potions and sorcery potions, or I'm screwed. :violin:
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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:22 am

One of my very favorite things is to take Umbra's sword away from her without killing her, to free her spirit of its evil influence. I have done this numerous times and there are a few steps involved including disintegrate weapon. . . .
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:07 pm

One of my very favorite things is to take Umbra's sword away from her without killing her, to free her spirit of its evil influence. I have done this numerous times and there are a few steps involved including disintegrate weapon. . . .

Holy crap, you can do that??? Is this just something you can do on the pc version with a mod, or can you do it on the 360, too???
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:00 pm

Holy crap, you can do that??? Is this just something you can do on the pc version with a mod, or can you do it on the 360, too???

You can do it on any platform. It does take quite a bit of care and preparation which is why I find it such fun. Disintegrate her weapon until it breaks (from 800 durability to 0). She will not drop it like some foes do with a broken weapon; rather, she will unequip it and stick it in her inventory, then switch to H2H. Disengage from her, then sneak back and pickpocket the sword from her inventory. You can't pickpocket an equipped item, so that is why it is necessary to break it so she will unequip it.

What I do after that is to reverse pickpocket the poor Bosmer (her real name is Lenwin) a permabound (0 weight) claymore so she is not defenseless. I then generally dispose of the evil Umbra (blade) in a lava flow.

Give it a try, as it is a lovely and fun challenge!
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:27 am

You can do it on any platform. It does take quite a bit of care and preparation which is why I find it such fun. Disintegrate her weapon until it breaks (from 800 durability to 0). She will not drop it like some foes do with a broken weapon; rather, she will unequip it and stick it in her inventory, then switch to H2H. Disengage from her, then sneak back and pickpocket the sword from her inventory. You can't pickpocket an equipped item, so that is why it is necessary to break it so she will unequip it.

What I do after that is to reverse pickpocket the poor Bosmer (her real name is Lenwin) a permabound (0 weight) claymore so she is not defenseless. I then generally dispose of the evil Umbra (blade) in a lava flow.

Give it a try, as it is a lovely and fun challenge!

I would love to try it! But I would still keep the evil sword, because I like it. But if I can get ahold of it without killing poor Lenwin, that would be awesome! :D
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:49 pm

Last night. At the pool of reflection to see my character real self in Shivering Isles.

Yup. That was when I discovered I sound exactly like Jauffre. My double kicked my butt and handed it to me on a platter in about 5 seconds. That was when I conjured some help and kicked his butt in 10 seconds :lol:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:42 pm

My most "IM SCREWED" moment (but I actually survived!)... let me see...

This happened while I was under level 10 I think, just some time ago (I am now lvl 24)... I was doing the Sanguine Quest to get a Daedra Artifact for Martin. So, as you all know, when you do it, at a certain moment, all your items are stripped of you :pinch: . I was in Leywaiin, and I didn't have a horse at the time, so i proceeded to walk up the road (I am trying to fast travel as less as I can). All went well, I was running very fast since my Speed was reasonable and I had no armor at all, but then a troll appears. I had no choice but to run, since I really wasn't into Hand to Hand and I had no armour. :brokencomputer:

I was outspeeding him and I thought all would end well if I just kept running until I reached Bravil. But then...

Another troll appears.

And a black bear.

And a third troll.

And a second bear.

So I ended up running butt naked from Leywaiin to Bravil, chased by 3 trolls and 2 Black Bears, without any weapon. I really thought I was done for, until I remembered that in Bravil the guards at the door could kill them for me. But oh, did I forget to mention the Oblivion Gate at the entry of Bravil? Ah, those Flame Atronachs never get old indeed... I arrived there and guess what....

They killed the guard. I still had to make my path to Chorrol, so I managed to get into the city and, blessed Fighter's Guild, I got a Steel Axe in there and hacked my way through the creatures, that were still festering upon the corpse of the guard when I got out xD

So, it ended well, but it was at the same time one of my most desperate and hilarious moments in Oblivion. Ah, how I love this game :tes:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:29 am

I went into a Oblivion gate and I had to fight 2 Frost atronach and a daedroth. I was like WTF! They all were hitting me at the same time and I kept doing the little back up animation. I almost died but I killed them.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:27 pm

I remember my very first "Oh crap, I'm screwed" moment. I was in the Imperial City, and somehow did something to get a guard's attention. Can't remember what, so it was probably something stupid like accidentally taking an owned item. Anyway, I get the whole Pay the Fine/Go to Jail/Resist Arrest speech, and since I wasn't really familiar with how the game worked, I assumed "Go to Jail" would mean game over. I also figured I didn't have enough money. (I did.) So I resisted arrest. On a level one character? Big mistake. I don't think I managed to kill even one guard. Later, I learned how to turn the difficulty.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:35 pm

I only had a little a bit of health left I checked it was only at 20 I had no magic potion or magick and i was in a alyide ruin and the walls came up a poison flooded in I felt gutted. I loss around 10k worth of weapons. :o
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:30 pm

Off the top of my head, I was in a plane of Oblivion (on my new lvl6 character), fighting a Clannfear, when three more pop out of nowhere, killing my companions and summons, then they all turned on me, with no sheild, light armor, and low health. However, My companions revived and distracted them long enough for me to get a distance away, pulling my fireball and giving them a barrage :gun: :dead: :dead: :dead:
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:06 pm

I think this was in the Shivering Isles expansion? Or some cave i was in during the dark brotherhood quest and i was playing on the hardest difficulty. There is this glitch where you can back up into this ceiling and you will get stuck in the ceiling. I was fighting some conjurists who were summoning Clannfear, after Clannfear, etc. that were deflecting my spell damage. So i take out a melee weapon and try meleeing and i was backing up while swinging wildly while backing up into the wall where this low ceiling was.

I had no idea i was stuck in a glitch in the ceiling, and i save after most fights, so i save in a glitched spot in the ceiling (without knowing i was in a glitch), i try moving around... And i cant move "WTF????" after 5 minutes of confusion i had to reload a game save way before i was in the area i was in. Had to do it all over again :(
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:42 pm

Playing on 100% difficulty - Mobs do x16 more damage, i do 1/6th of normal damage

Finally got my illusion up high enough to get my first invisibility spell - running through dungeons with this makes it 10x easier

I spotted a bear on the path, and was like - lucky im invisible - looked at how long it had before it ran out, and it was 3 seconds.

Safe to say I was 1 hitted by the bear, but i got in a "holy [censored]" before i died :)
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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:06 pm

My scariest moment is when I came across a cave on my lvl 12 warrior/mage character and decided to investigate, taking caution to look around every corner was vital since I use T.I.E, and was somehow ambushed by a minotaur. How did this play out? Well once he hit me for 1/3 of my life I was running in circles in the large open area in the cave panicking and jumping up on ruins/rocks to get out of range and save my life. He barely took any damage and it didn't take him long to find a way up the rocks to me, unfortunately after a few minutes of this I stumbled across a new minotaur and now with 2 of them after me I decided to try out my command creature spell for the first time since playing Oblivion. Saved my life.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:55 pm

I've just suffered one of these moments...I was fighting 4 Khajiits close to the frontier with Elsweyr. I managed to dispatch 3 of them, but I had low HP (capped at 200 for realism and additional difficulty), but then the Khajiit mage' one tossed at me one of those Fearsome Magicka mod-multi projectiles that cannot be avoided (only endured). I was like "Oh, cr**---.....dead". I wasn't even able to finish the line ^^

Fearsome Magicka. Definitely great mod :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:20 pm

I was in a cavern near skingrad (can't remember the name) I opened a door and appeared right in front of 2 necromancers, 2 lich and a skeleton... and then each of them conjures a creature. :ahhh: I died multiple times before defeating them by placing myself at the end of a corridor, holding my shield up and let the lich kill their allies with their spells :tongue:
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