» Sat May 28, 2011 11:42 pm
My most "IM SCREWED" moment (but I actually survived!)... let me see...
This happened while I was under level 10 I think, just some time ago (I am now lvl 24)... I was doing the Sanguine Quest to get a Daedra Artifact for Martin. So, as you all know, when you do it, at a certain moment, all your items are stripped of you :pinch: . I was in Leywaiin, and I didn't have a horse at the time, so i proceeded to walk up the road (I am trying to fast travel as less as I can). All went well, I was running very fast since my Speed was reasonable and I had no armor at all, but then a troll appears. I had no choice but to run, since I really wasn't into Hand to Hand and I had no armour. :brokencomputer:
I was outspeeding him and I thought all would end well if I just kept running until I reached Bravil. But then...
Another troll appears.
And a black bear.
And a third troll.
And a second bear.
So I ended up running butt naked from Leywaiin to Bravil, chased by 3 trolls and 2 Black Bears, without any weapon. I really thought I was done for, until I remembered that in Bravil the guards at the door could kill them for me. But oh, did I forget to mention the Oblivion Gate at the entry of Bravil? Ah, those Flame Atronachs never get old indeed... I arrived there and guess what....
They killed the guard. I still had to make my path to Chorrol, so I managed to get into the city and, blessed Fighter's Guild, I got a Steel Axe in there and hacked my way through the creatures, that were still festering upon the corpse of the guard when I got out xD
So, it ended well, but it was at the same time one of my most desperate and hilarious moments in Oblivion. Ah, how I love this game :tes: