Begin Gamemode/Menumode (I’ve tried it both ways)
If Player.Getisuseditem Stimpak == 1
Set stimpackineffectglobal to 1
Set numberofstimpacksusedglobal to numberofstimpacksusedglobal + 1
Set stimpackeffecttimerglobal to 600
elseIf Player.Getisuseditem Jet == 1
Set Jetineffectglobal to 1
Set numberofjetsusedglobal to numberofjestsusedglobal + 1
Set Jeteffecttimerglobal to 600
I then have a separate quest script that that makes use of all those globals. If I use the console to set my globals as if I had taken 3 stimpaks and a jet then awesome stuff happens, but if I actually open the pipboy and use the items that way then nothing happens. I even checked the globals via console after using the items and they are all at the default value of zero. Any ideas/suggestions?