LOL< I asked the same question yesterday and got about the same answer, lol. But whatever it means, it's a pretty good mod so far. I just installed it last night with all the extra NPC's and so far its pretty cool. I'm looking forward to recruiting me a posse for my Blades Character tonight!
You should also look into the "CM Partner Hotkeys" mod and the "Companion Master" mod (both on TES Nexus). They make communicating with CM Partners easier and the hotkeys makes it more immersive.
I've played with CM Partners for quite some time, and there are few issues that you should be aware of.
If you have several companions following you when you go through a door into another cell, some of the companions may not make it through. If some are lagging too far behind you they will not go through the door and simply wait outside. The way I handle this is to tell the companions that made it through to wait, go back through the door, and then get the stragglers to follow you back through the door again. In a similar vein, when exiting a building with several companions, sometimes one will get stuck in the wall or door of the building. This will frequently happen if there isn't a lot of room in front of the building for the companions to appear in. In this case, I find that simply telling all companions to "wait" and then "summon" them. This will cause the stuck companions to warp to you. The bottom line here is to remember to check your companions after going through a door into another cell.
Sometimes a companion will unequip its weapon. If a fight ensures, it will use its fists. Before entering a dangerous area, I always check my companions by facing them and drawing my weapon (which causes them to draw theirs). If any raises fists instead of its weapon, simply access its inventory and then exit the inventory. This will cause the companion to re-equip its weapon and armor.
Companions cannot repair broken armor. They can fix anything so long as it's not broken. Make sure you frequently tell your companions to repair their armor. If one does wind up with broken armor, take the broken piece from them, repair it yourself just enough so that it's no longer broken, give it back to the companion, then tell the companion to repair armor. This will bring it back to full health.
I have had the game occassionally freeze when sharing inventory or asking a companion to repair armor when there is more than one companion actively following me. I've never had this happen when using Companion Master to share, however. Nevertheless, I've made it a habit to quicksave before sharing with a companion or telling it to repair armor.
I have had a couple of cases recently where companions simple "fall over". They are not dead, nor is their posture like that of a dead NPC. They are simply lying horizontally on the ground. You can still interact with them, but they will not follow you. I have not been able to determine what causes this or how to fix it. I have to load an earlier save. There is one set of companions that actually installs one in this state (I think it's the "5 CM partners" mod that adds 5 companions to the abandoned shack on the waterfront. The Mage falls over.)
Sometimes a companion will simply get lost and you cannot locate it, even using the "Companion Tracker" feature of the Companion Master mod. I've taken to using the console to determine and write down the Hex ID of each companion that I really like. Then if it gets lost, I use the console commands "prid
" and "moveto player" to force it to appear next to me.
Lastly, I've had one occasion when two companions started fighting each other. All CM partners should be of the same faction so this shouldn't happen. I think it was caused by companions getting in each other's way while fighting, causing them to hit one another. Eventually it caused them to get angry and fight each other. If the companions are Essential, the fighting never stops because as soon as one regains consciousness, the fight resumes. The way that I handled this was to wait until one was unconscious and then used the console to issue a "stopcombat" command on the fighters.
By and large though, The CM Partners are a lot of fun.