Oh whoops, I forgot to check the other side to the papers. Forget about that one then

The mop bucket size doesn't really matter, I will have to check to see if the mop fits into the bucket though and let you know if I need it a bigger size. It irks me that I can't put dishes into the sinks cause of the boxed collision it has, and I never checked to see if the bucket is set up the same way. I will get back to you on that tonight

I kinda figured that you would have had the microscope havoked if you had the test tubes havoked, so I will grab that from DCInteriors as well

All the things I found for you, I am sure I am going to see a nice hefty bill in the mail for your services :rofl: But all kidding aside, I like to help out when I can! Hey, you asked!
Oh yeah, I checked the texture for the vase...it uses the bathtub texture...I will never think of that vase the same way again :yuck: Should be easy enough to make some new textures and since you have enough on your plate, I will take up the task.
[Edit to add]
The mop bucket will have to be a little bit bigger, and yeah, unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to dip the mop inside the bucket, but that is ok. I took an image so you can get an idea on how much bigger it will need to be.
I also made a few textures for the vase, I will probably make more and pick the best ones to provide if anyone is interested in them. They could go into your pack if you like, totally up to you
