Here's the problem. I -might- have altered the .esps with TES4Edit in a way that I can't easily revert. If I did, I deleted the backups that TES4edit made. This isn't a mistake I intend to repeat, but the fact is, if it's done it's done. If someone can post a CRC of each DLC ESP (except Horse Armor, since I never got that one) so that I can take a CRC of the ESPs I have and compare, it would be much appreciated. If I haven't made this stupid mistake, then all is well and I can just back up the .esp and .bsa files for the DLCs and all will be well.
However, if I did edit the DLC ESPs, what can I do to get the original ESPs back, or automagically revert the changes I made? Please don't suggest anything illegal, and I'm quite adept at determining which methods are legal and which aren't.