Author: schlangster
Version: 1.0
Date: 20-02-2010
1. Introduction
2. Features
3. Requirements
4. Installation
5. Version notes
6. Credits
This is my attempt to further unify and polish the crafting process in Fallout 3 by extending CRAFT.
For users, it provides a single, consisent crafting menu, with clear categories and improved usability features.
The mods that are supported as of now are:
- Vanilla Schematics
- CRAFT - EnergyAmmo
- CALIBR Ammo Schematics
- Workbench and Crafting Expansion
- Bobby Pin and Tin Can CRAFTing
For modders, CRAFTHelper should ease the addition of new CRAFTable items.
Contained in this package is the CRAFTHelper master file and a set of patches. The master file contains common item categories and scripts, and the
patches use these to integrate other popular crafting mods into a common, seamless menu.
CRAFTHelper itself is a modders resource. It provides:
- Helper script to take care of the crafting process
- Set up to 8 different required items with respective amounts, and up to 8 different resulting items with respective amounts
- Support for individual item types, item health, failure chance, success/failure messages, crafting time, ...
- Support for item categories (weapons, armor, misc. items, ammunition)
- Generic support for creating multiple items of the same type at once. Availabe choices based on how many sets of required items the player carries.
- Crafting now takes (game) time, visually indicated by a short fade-out. All crafting effects are optional and can be turned off in the configuration menu.
For further details, see the included modders guide.
http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4447, tested with version 1.25
http://fose.silverlock.org/, tested with version v1.2 b2
For FWE patch:
http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2761, tested with version 5.0
For WMK patch:
http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3388, tested with version Version 1.1.8
For AS patch:
http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3447, tested with version 1.3
http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4514, tested with version 1.7
For EA patch:
http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9921, tested with version 0.91
For WCE patch:
http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=782, tested with version 2.552
For TinCan patch:
http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8449, tested with version 2.0
1. Install all files in your Fallout 3 Data directory.
2. Select/Activate the plugins you want.
A short description of what each file does. The patches have to be loaded
after their respective main files!
CRAFTHelper.esm - The master file containing CRAFTHelper scripts etc. Load after CRAFT. And before the other CRAFTHelper plugins.
CRAFTHelper_Vanilla.esp: Patch for original FO3 schematics.
CRAFTHelper_FWE.esp: Patch for FWE added items.
CRAFTHelper_FWEAlternateTravel.esp: Patch for FWE alternate travel plugin.
CRAFTHelper_WMK.esp: Patch to add WMK to the CRAFT menu. Also disables the WMK activation perk on workbenches.
CRAFTHelper_AS.esp: Patch for CALIBR Ammo Schematics - CRAFT.
CRAFTHelper_EA.esp: Patch for CRAFT - EnergyAmmo. Also includes minor tweaks so prices/requirements are in line with AS
CRAFTHelper_WCE.esp: Path for Workbench and Crafting Expansion.
Changes the default workbench script so the CRAFT menu is directly activated. If your CRAFT menu now contains everything you need, activate this.
Also, for this to work make sure to deactive/deinstall the original CRAFT Activation perk esp!
Alternative workbench script replacer for FWE users so the +10 repair bonus you get when standing next to workbenches is not overriden.
(Optional, separate download)
CRAFTHelper_TinCan.esp: Patch for Bobby Pin and Tin Can CRAFTing.
CRAFTHelper_SBReconArmor.esp: Patch for the Stealthboy Recon Armor that comes with CRAFT.
5.Version notes
v1.0. (20-02-2010)
- Bugfixes
- New patch for FWE optional travelling.
- Crafting effect/time are now optional
v0.3. (05-02-2010)
- Bugfixes
- New patch for integration of CRAFT - EnergyAmmo
- New patch for integration of Workbench and Crafting Expansion
v0.2. (04-02-2010)
- Fixed a couple of bugs
- Achievements for vanilla schematics that were previously missing
- New patch for integration of CALIBR Ammo Schematics - CRAFT
v0.1. (02-02-2010)
- Initial alpha release.
ianpatt and behippo and scruggsywuggsy the ferret, authors of FOSE
Highsight and ElminsterEU, authors of CRAFT
Mezmorki and Kai Hohiro, authors of FWE
Antistar, author of WMK
Tubal, author of CALIBR
Bilarion, author of CALIBR Ammo Schematics - CRAFT
Mr_Koffee, author of CRAFT - EnergyAmmo
Jake Zahn, author of Workbench and Crafting Expansion
Phoenix316, author of Bobby Pin and Tin Can CRAFTing