Wait no one else got a hijack to another website when clicking to download?
sorry - that is what happened to me. Just tried it again and what happened was that Firefox blocked a pop up on loading the download page and then after clicking the download link another pop up splash page appeared. It may have been that I accidentally clicked a link on that pop up.
No sweat. MediaFire does tend to bombard one with ads and such, but the price was right. I use Avant which blips (blocks ads) when dong most anything there.
Links fine for me. I downloaded it yesterday with no problems and played for two hours last night with it installed.
Unfortunately, the only feedback I can give at this point is that you should remember to turn the file on after installing it, or it really doesn't impact your game much.

I'll try to get some useful feedback tonight.
Yeah, activating the plugin always helps. :lol: Sometimes, while testing stuff out, I'll get uber confused as to why a script isn't working when, lo and behold, I'd spaced turning the plugin on. >_<
Glad to hear all went well. Provided there aren't any issues for anyone, I'll update the FOOK integrated version to include the new stuff too.
I just downloaded the file and had no hijacking issues, brought me straight to the download file. I use firefox as well. I will try this one out, even though I use saiden storms camera mod

[edit] whoops, this isn't the same thing as the mod I mentioned. I think I will need this for sure since I use a widescreen

*wipes brow* Thanks for confirming