by Bungadunga
Require MGE, MWE and MWSE 0.9.2a or higher
Whenever the player casts a spell on self, a timer is created on the upper left shaded depending on spell type (the color should match the color of the icon on the lower left). The coloring requires that your video card supports at least 1.1 pixel shaders. Certain on other spells will work as well; they must be cast on touch- though it could be a ranged spell- and I've restricted it (artificially) to effects I've deemed useful: Paralyze, Poison, Soultrap, Command X, Charm, Levitate (for companions) and some more (suggest some if you want). There's a maximum of four timers at the moment, but it's expandable easily.
Note: You have to activate both esps, it was just split to make compiling for MWE easier.