Scripting feaver

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:11 pm

Kitty is happy! - He built himself a little hut in the Jerall mountains where he plans to hide out for recreation every once in a while. Sooner than expected the secret basemant of operations is ready. A nice dog is there to please him, and also a female servant was found, it is a sister of Caroline, a really nice pet! :)

Caroline2 is a copy of the Caroline type. Caroline2 can already do several useful things, like sleeping, eating and talking nicely. Can she do more? I tried to make her offer some repair services, but the services section of her profile is grayed out. I didn't see a way to activate this; what is the reason? How could I make her offer services?

Second, what useful scripts are available for household works? ;) She could do sweeping the floor, for instance. And is there a script with somebody hammering on the anvil?
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:34 am

You need to set the NPC as a merchant.
If they are greyed out, its because of the way you have the choices set on the NPC settings.

You don't want 'scripts', you want 'AI Packages'.
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:58 pm

Thank you, I read these pages.
One strange point is that I have copied an NPC (Caroline) which was from the Blades class. Even when I set the class of this NPC to "Merchant", the AI's box for services remains grayed out. So I have no explanation for this.

Is there a list of "items" that have an AI animation attributed? I tried to "useItemAt" with the broom, but the only reaction was it was taken into inventory. Also I'm interested if I can utilize the animation of NPC fighting the ChainDoll (like in Arena basemant). Thank you for replies!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:18 am

Like I said its because of the settings you have on the NPC.

Caroline has the 'Auto Calc Stats' check box set. The auto calc stats will grey out almost all boxes.

Now, if you set the class to 'MerchFence' then the 'auto calc' will automaticaly 'check the AI 'Buys / Sells' boxes for you. You have to choose the correct class for auto calc to work correctly.

And the current AI package the NPC is running must have the 'Offer Services' or they will not buy or sell.

The Use Item At package requires on the 'target' tab, that you select the object that will be used at the 'location' tab.
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RUby DIaz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:28 pm

Thanks for the info! - About Caroline: I wonder if I could make her deal services? I like to keep her extra kind behaviour, which is I assume linked to the "BladesClass". If I made her "Merchant" she would be a different person, am I right? So is there a chance to make any class deal services?

The Use Item At package requires on the 'target' tab, that you select the object that will be used at the 'location' tab.

Ok, I understood that. Still it is kind of a secret what animations are available for specific objects and under what arrangements. I didn't get lucky with the broom whereas the potion-mixing ani is famous (Bruma Mages Guild). So is there anything else you can recommend or is there an explanation somewhere about arguments of the "Use" package? (If not, would you contribute if I started one? ;) )

I also attempted at the "Accompany" package where my aim is to make a wolf run on my side. There is one argument needed under 'Target' namely 'Specific Reference'. I put in there "'Player' 'PlayerRef'" and made the wolf for 'PlayerFaction' and owned by "Player". The wolf behaves friendly but the only "accompany" effect is that he crawls up to player if the player sits down. Otherwise the wolf doesn't follow but just explores or stays at location of last "crawl". Something doesn't work right here. Any idea?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:22 am

Thanks for the info! - About Caroline: I wonder if I could make her deal services? I like to keep her extra kind behaviour, which is I assume linked to the "BladesClass". If I make her "Merchant" she might be a different person, am I right? So is there a chance to make any class deal services?

How "nice" she is actually depends on her Disposition, which is affected by 1.) what faction(s) she is in and 2.) your character's Personality. If you want her to remain really nice, add her to the PlayerFaction or create a new faction with a +100 disposition towards the PlayerFaction (or do both).
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