Removing Flame Effect

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:50 pm

I've downloaded a playable Flame Atronach mod... at I'm at wits end. The flame effect makes my player lag so badly I can't really go much places and can't see in first person.
So I've tried all I can to remove that effect. Took it from race list on both ESM and ESP file and the flame still appears. Created a script to forcefully stop it and then it comes back thirty seconds later. Is there any way I can stop this? Maybe a better script then I'm using or something?
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Robert Jr
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:43 pm

I've downloaded a playable Flame Atronach mod... at I'm at wits end. The flame effect makes my player lag so badly I can't really go much places and can't see in first person.
So I've tried all I can to remove that effect. Took it from race list on both ESM and ESP file and the flame still appears. Created a script to forcefully stop it and then it comes back thirty seconds later. Is there any way I can stop this? Maybe a better script then I'm using or something?

What is the specific mod you are using and could you include the script you are using (spoiler tagged please)
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Adam Porter
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:13 pm

I'm using Talkie Toaster's Playable and NPC creatures mod. The script is real basic, just stopmagicshadereffect effectflameatronach.
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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:53 pm

Would there happen to be a quest or something that forces that race to get the effect?

Or would it just be better to remake each of the files?
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steve brewin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:08 pm

I found some of the quest scripts for affecting the Race, would you think any of them might be forcing the flame affect?
scn aaaFlameInitialiseScript

ref item
short FlameToggle
short stage
float fquestdelaytime
short button

ref race
array_var Repository
string_var Name

begin menumode
set fquestdelaytime to 0.001
if(player.getisrace flameatronach != FlameToggle)
set FlameToggle to player.getisrace flameatronach

player.pms effectAtronachFlame
player.additemNS aaaFlameBoots 1
player.additemNS aaaFlameBracers 1
player.additemNS aaaFlameCuirass 1
player.additemNS aaaFlameHead 1
player.additemNS aaaFlameGreaves 1
player.equipitemns aaaFlameBoots
player.equipitemns aaaFlameBracers
player.equipitemns aaaFlameCuirass
player.equipitemns aaaFlameGreaves
player.equipitemns aaaFlameHead 1
setPlayerSkeletonPath "characters\flameatronach\skeleton.nif"

player.sms effectAtronachFlame
player.removeitemns aaaFlameBoots 99
player.removeitemns aaaFlameBracers 99
player.removeitemns aaaFlameCuirass 99
player.removeitemns aaaFlameHead 99
player.removeitemns aaaFlameGreaves 99

set race to player.getrace

let repository := aaaRace.Repository
let name := getname race

if eval (ar_haskey Repository name)
player.equipitemns LowerPants05
player.equipitemns LowerShirt05
player.equipitemns LowerShoes05
player.equipitemns WristIrons
setPlayerSkeletonPath "characters\_male\skeletonbeast.nif"
set name to sv_destruct
if(menumode 1036)
set stage to 1
player.removespellNS aaaFlameTalk
stopquest aaaFlameQuest

begin gamemode
set stage to 0

startquest aaaFlameQuest
player.addspellNS aaaFlameTalk
player.additemNS aaaFlameHeadNIL 1
set aaaFlameQuest.fquestdelaytime to 0.05

scn aaaFlameQuestScript

float fquestdelaytime
short level
ref cell
short perspectivetoggle

begin gamemode

set level to player.getlevel
set fquestdelaytime to 0.01
setPlayerSkeletonPath "characters\flameatronach\skeleton.nif"
elseif(cell != player.getparentcell)
set cell to player.getparentcell
player.pms effectAtronachFlame

if(isthirdperson != perspectivetoggle)
set perspectivetoggle to isthirdperson
player.pms effectAtronachFlame
player.sms effectAtronachFlame

if(player.getequippedobject 2)
player.equipitemns aaaFlameCuirass
if(player.getequippedobject 3)
player.equipitemns aaaFlameGreaves
if(player.getequippedobject 4)
player.equipitemns aaaFlameBracers
if(player.getequippedobject 5)
player.equipitemns aaaFlameBoots

if(player.getlevel != level)
set level to player.getlevel

if(level == 4)
player.removespellNS aaaFlamePowerMelee1
player.removespellNS aaaFlamePowerRanged1
player.addspellNS aaaFlamePowerMelee2
player.addspellNS aaaFlamePowerRanged2
elseif(level ==8)
player.removespellNS aaaFlamePowerMelee2
player.removespellNS aaaFlamePowerRanged2
player.addspellNS aaaFlamePowerMelee3
player.addspellNS aaaFlamePowerRanged3
elseif(level ==12)
player.removespellNS aaaFlamePowerMelee3
player.removespellNS aaaFlamePowerRanged3
player.addspellNS aaaFlamePowerMelee4
player.addspellNS aaaFlamePowerRanged4
elseif(level ==16)
player.removespellNS aaaFlamePowerMelee4
player.removespellNS aaaFlamePowerRanged4
player.addspellNS aaaFlamePowerMelee5
player.addspellNS aaaFlamePowerRanged5

begin menumode
if(player.getequippedobject 1)
player.equipitemns aaaFlameHead 1
if(player.getequippedobject 2)
player.equipitemns aaaFlameCuirass
if(player.getequippedobject 3)
player.equipitemns aaaFlameGreaves
if(player.getequippedobject 4)
player.equipitemns aaaFlameBracers
if(player.getequippedobject 5)
player.equipitemns aaaFlameBoots

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WYatt REed
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:02 pm

I have an idea, the mod is meant to use the original specs of the flame atronach right? At least that's what I got from reading a bit about it, maybe if you edit the original oblivion flame atronach, that will also remove the flame effect for the race.
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:59 am

Yea that didn't work, though I didn't really expect it to since they are in no way linked to the original Flame Atronach. That part must be hidden some where, since all scripts associated with the mod don't include it, and I've removed the Flame effect spell from the race on both the ESM and ESP...

:brokencomputer: :brokencomputer: :brokencomputer:
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Harry Leon
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:32 am

I think I've figured it out! Somehow the esm wasn't a requirement for the flame atronach esp and thus the files were not connecting properly.

Edit- Nevermind... The stupid thing still manages to crawl in no matter what I do. Maybe I could see about contacting the mod creator to see how they got that effect to be such a pain and how to fix.
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Jarrett Willis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:15 pm

I think I've figured it out! Somehow the esm wasn't a requirement for the flame atronach esp and thus the files were not connecting properly.

Edit- Nevermind... The stupid thing still manages to crawl in no matter what I do. Maybe I could see about contacting the mod creator to see how they got that effect to be such a pain and how to fix.

Best of luck to you :wavey:
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:00 pm

Finally! I sent a message to talkie toaster and he helped me identify what was causing it :clap:
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Eddie Howe
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