Ok, I tried unchecking the waterlifeTR esp, and then running the game. Just to see what would happen. At the spot in cell changes i was having a CTD at (coming down south on the road to Vivec) I was able to pass that spot with no crash or message. I assumed the mod was disabled...but when i got to the water, the abot fishes and stuff were still there! Then i realized I didnt uncheck the esm file. But I didnt think the mod would run without both the esm and the esp checked? Puzzling!
abotWaterLife.esm is the main/essential mod, it may be loaded alone without abotWaterLifeTRaddon.esp.
abotWaterLifeTRaddon.esp is just an add-on for Tamriel Rebuilt, it needs
Tribunal.esm, Bloodmoon.esm, abotWaterLife.esm, TR_Data.esm
loaded and Tamriel Rebuilt correctly installed.
Ok, I tried the replacer procedure, and the game ran fine...all refs to waterlife were gone, except for the book in my inventory which had blank pages.
better dispose of it and replace with a new copy.
1. drop it on the ground
2. open the game console
3.. click the book (you should see something like ab01wlBook0200000000 on the game console header)
4. type in the gameconsole
, press enter
5. type in the gameconsole
setdelete 1
, press enter
this should get rid of the outdated book copy.
I looked in Gilniths shack in Seyda Neen but found no ring. Any idea how I can get the config ring back , Abot?
A mistake o mine in the readme, a backup ring was present there in a previous version, I think I should update the readme or put back a ring there.
Anyway, try opening the game console and type
set ab01WLVersion to 0
(it is not case-sensitive, I've used WL for readability), press enter, save and reload the game, you should have starting items back/settings reset to default (don't change the snails setting

Im hoping that as long as the snails arent checked then they can never come back and CTD on me again.

Yes, keep them disabled as in default configuration. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I'd like to keep the snails because they are cute and a retexture gift from redwoodtreesprite, usually the AllowYesToAll solve problems, if I have other people having CTDs I will consider removing them.
[EDIT2]Just to clarify things a little... if you remove abotWaterLife.esm from your load list but keep abotWaterLifeTRaddon.esp, you will be probably still loading abotWaterLife.esm because abotWaterLifeTRaddon.esp depends on
Tribunal.esm, Bloodmoon.esm, abotWaterLife.esm, TR_Data.esm masters so Morrowind will load them automatically.