I've learned how to make copies of existing interiors and attach them to presently non-functional doors in the various worlds. What I'm thinking now is going through the entire Wasteland and removing all those door barricades on the buildings in the game and either replacing them with static doors if they don't already have one or, where appropriate, with a clone of an existing interior. It's never made any sense to me why all these buildings are boarded up, who was around after the holocaust to do all that work and why? And by adding new interior clones it will open up a number of buildings for exploration. There won't be much in them, no encounters or anything. Just abandoned buildings with a few containers lying around that are pretty much exactly the same as ones that already exist, but at least it would be more realistic than a bunch of buildings that are boarded up. Naturally doing this is going to conflict with mods like DC Interiors so I'm wondering what the repercussions will be. My thought is that if what I do is going to be loaded up before a mod like that, that the later mod will simply overwrite what changes I may make without bad things happening to the game, like a CTD. Is my assumption correct or will something like what I'm planning not be compatible at all with DC Interiors, and other mods that alter existing buildings, and simply can't be used at the same time with them?