So, I did replaced the links. Sadly the website is down that contained all the info about the weapons including the lengh and weight and all, so all I could post are images.
Its strange that this thread did not generate more interest, I mean its not an overly big request after all at least I hope it is. Is the current modeling program Blender or still 3D SMax? Maybe I could try to make some models myself but I have no experience in such things and I cant skin the models. Thats why I made the request in the first place, but I guess that all modders that can model are already tied up with other work for other mods.
That said, has anyone else an idea of what Cyberpunk or Shadowrun weapon he would like to see? Or ideas for a bigger mod? Why not share your ideas and brainstorm a bit?
frankly, i think it
is a overly big request. you just listed about two dozen models you want implemented in the game. you have to realize that modeling, UV mapping, then texturing even one takes a considerable amount of time. in fact, i think the modeling part is the easiest, as there are many people that can produce high-quality models. the UV-mapping and texturing is what i think takes the most time. plus the fact that you have to consider how the models would conform to existing attack/reload animations... some of the models would have to be modified with respect to this.
i think you should scale down your request to something like the 2 or 3 models you like best, and try to get some really good reference images for someone who might be interested in modeling.
blender i think is the package of choice here, but i think this is mainly because it is free.

plus the import/export scripts are actively being developed. you could try your hand at modeling with it but it takes a fair amount of time. there are a great number of tutorials for blender so if you have some time you might give that a go.