» Sat May 28, 2011 7:26 pm
First update posted: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11532
Feng Shui - An item placement helper for Fallout 3
What's New in v0.9.1
New Features:
- Object Scaling. Use Shift + Trans/Rotation Mode to enter Scaling Mode. Use +/- x, y, or z to change object scale, Reset (while in Scale Mode) sets scale back to 1 (normal).
- Finer Nudge Mode. The Nudge Mode key now cycles between Mini Nudge Mode, Micro Nudge Mode, and Nudge Mode Off.
- Rotate 45 Degrees. Hold Shift while in Rotation Mode to rotate objects in increments of 45 degrees.
- Optional Hotkey Menu Access. Use the console command "[/font]StartQuest FengShuiMenuAccess[font="Verdana"]" to enable hotkey access to the Feng Shui Book menu (default key "P").
- Customizable Hotkey Controls. See the included file "Feng Shui - Keymap Plugin Instructions.txt" for full details on creating a custom keymapping plugin (recommended method) or changing control settings through the in-game console.
- Added Y-Rotation Ring.
- Added "Locking" sound when locking objects.
- Added FOSE version check.
- Clutter Box added to book menu (still has default hotkey as well).
- No longer disables Z-Grab while controling and object.
- Feng Shui Book item now silently added to inventory during initial game Vault stages.
Bugs Fixed:
- Axes remaining if item taken while under FS control.
- Z-grab disabled if item taken while under FS control.
- Blue glow on current valid crosshair target remaining when ending FS session from inventory.
Still to come:
- Ability to use Feng Shui on fixed objects.
- More, and better organized clutter for the Clutter Box.
- Alternate "Compact" Controls.
- Improved Feng Shui Books.