» Sat May 28, 2011 12:25 pm
That doesn't seem to work for the game conditions I've been testing it under, unfortunately. I load a save where I'm a cell or two away from Wheaton Armory. When I approach it, two Enclave soldiers are already engaging the raiders there, so they'd never get the additions. Once I've cleaned that place out, I fast travel to a SatCom Array with an Enclave outpost at its base, and even if I do the ref walk as soon as I arrive, it triggers the "Stupid Enclave" bug, so combat must be triggered immediately. What I'm thinking is that I could do a gamemode, single cell ref walk every once in a while, maybe whenever the player enters a new cell, and if I come across an NPC that doesn't have the equipment that they should, exit that ref walk and post a message saying "New NPCs encountered, please wait..." or something, then do the equipment adding ref walk while in that menumode. I could use a cell depth of 1 or 2 for that one, so the loading wouldn't happen every time the player enters a new cell. They click OK, and things return to normal.
I'll admit it does sound pretty obnoxious. I also tried tapping the console key via FOSE, doing the ref walk, then tapping it again when its done, but all of that takes a bit longer than I was figuring - a second or two, rather than just a couple of frames. It's too obtrusive and confusing.