Well I found it on a Polish TES mod website, and it sounded awesome, I downloaded it and installed it...but before installing the readme said that this will not be compatible with any plugin except official DLC and plugins made specifically for this mod...well first off I am curious how on earth that is possible? I mean..isn't it a whole 'nother worldspace? I am looking at it right now in the CS and I can still access the Tamriel
So I was wondering why it would be incompatible with other plugins if it does not even touch Tamriel...and also, they say old saves would not work with it...well...I do know you go to Aithamavel when you start in the sewers, so I could understand if they mean you can't access Aithamavel anymore once past the sewers, but I mean, why not add someway to travel there so old saves can work with it?
I would love to test and see what happens if I boot up Oblivion with all my mods + Aithamavel active, but sadly, if you have read my Black Plague of Tamriel may know that I cannot, due to my Oblivion crashing on load (COL).
Anyways, do not use this topic to diagnose my COL, if you want to do that, go find the topic and respond (though Tomlong has done a pretty good job at playing doctor with it, so you may not be needed, but extra help is appreciated) I just want to know why?
I will point you in the direction of the download if you want to check it out for yourself. - click on "Pobierz" that means "download"