I'm now seriously considering to move to Blender 2.5x properly, and to demote the 2.4x branch of the scripts to critical bugfixes only. Potential issues:
- The conversion may take a long while (but it has to be done at some point, this is hard to avoid), leaving the scripts effectively in bugfix only mode for a long while.
- Blender 2.5 is not yet fully feature complete, particularly some features that we now rely on may be missing. I don't have a very clear picture of how much is really still missing and all critical components seem to be there - animation, morphing, rigging, ... Whatever is still missing, I expect that it will catch up pretty quickly (and more quickly than I can port the scripts!) since 2.4x is basically considered as a dead branch by virtually all blender devs, so at the moment all effort goes into 2.5x. And if we find things missing, then it's a good opportunity to contribute back to Blender.
So, effectively, moving to Blender 2.5x would mean that the current scripts will be effectively on hold for a few months, maybe a year in the really worst case. Also, some minor functionality could be lost (at least temporarily, until it gets added back into Blender 2.5x). At the moment, I believe we should go for Blender 2.5x, and that it is for the best, but I don't want to make this decision without also listening to the opinions of those who actually use the scripts.
Any strong informed opinions out there?