A mod by
Nolan Murillo
Need a little more atmosphere to your adventuring? Too filthy rich and loaded that your mansions, castle, and cities you own is just too much now? Have Side's Sailing Ships, but you have sailed to every borring and empty heightmap out there? Tired of reading your beat up ol' copy of the "Lusty Argonian Maid"? Well, probably 3/4 of those things don't apply to you, but that doesn't mean you can't check out my mod!
Camp Simplicity is a small camp North of Anvil, on a small island not far off the cost. It is a vanilla island. I did not do any landscaping so there should not be any Incompatability with the Unique Landscape Project. (this has changed in the Complete Version 1.0, the island is a custom made island, rendering use of UL incompatible with this mod)
Please note this is a beta version, so if you use, PLEASE report any issues that come from THIS MOD.
GET THE BETA NOW! or wait 3 days to own a full, 10x better version
Oh, and did I forget to mention, it comes with a free sword LIMITED TIME OFFER! while supplies last.
*1.1* Updated progress information (last update 04/27/10)
*1.2* Arrow Leveling chart
*4*Incompatability (changed 04/26/10)
*5* Changelog
*7*Known Bugs (<---please read, as there are some bugs not mentioned on readme)
*8*Future Plans
*9*Usage & Contact
*10* Just for the Offical Forums:
*1* Description
This mod adds a small camp with your own storage chest, a place to rest, and a Adevnture Assistant to help fill your inventory with things to help you survive, such as potions, Ammo*, and repair hammers!
*The ammo sold by this merchant is leveled! meaning at level 1 you will only find Iron arrows, but by level 30 you will be able to buy a max of 175 Daedric arrows! (chart will be shown at the bottom)
There are a 6 easter eggs I have hidden here. But, let me let you know, they are all accessed around your Adventure Assistant. (or atleast you will learn about them from around him, but the actual location of the easter eggs can be as far away as Leyawin)
Why? Because the mod didn't seem complete as just a camp. The reward for finding the eggs? Nothing much, but there is an award.
It's called Camp Simplicity, not because of it's simplistic nature, but because I was too lazy to put hours and hours of work into scripting (actually there was some scripting done on a few of the eggs) and creating quests, dungeons and so forth. So, for future reference - may you decide to go on the easter egg hunt - if you feel that you need to find a non vanilla dungeon for an egg, slap yourself, because I didn't want to waste time.
This mod was actually made for two reasons. First, I downloaded a mod very similar from Nexus user Eddy107 called Mountain Camp. It is exactly as it sounds, it just adds a camp in the Jerall Mountains. I decided that I wanted to make something similar, so I made this...though these easter eggs are taking forever to make!
The second is because Side (creator of Better Music System) made a mod for sailing ships! well I wanted my beautiful vessel to have somewhere to travel. Why a dock? Because ships don't have anywhere to park, and when a big cruiser comes sailing in, they wind up wrecking into the Adventure Assistants building.
So, I made a dock fit for the ship I own, and made it so I could sail with a destination in mind.
*1.1* Updated Progress Info (04/27/10)
04/27/10 -
With the knowledge of a incompatibility, my current efforts are to patch it so that more people can use it and enjoy it. So, I am trying to find a way to go about patching where it will look good (or the same) but will not cause any sort of problems. This may delay the full release of this mod by a few days - as I have to find the new location, or if I make one, see about getting a compatibility patch for the UL Project. Please hold tight, but it is almost done. Just think - the more delays means the more work, the more work, the better it is (and less buggy).
04/22/10 -
Well I am currently experiancing issues with Oblivion, however, I believe I will be able to get it work before my newly named release date: 5/01/10. I figured this leaves me a week to run through and do any last minute touch ups for a complete version that will hopefully have little-to-no flaws.
This date might change though if any unexpected errors occur as such my Oblivion not running, so do not be angry if I am unable to release on said date.
The full version will contain many new updates and fixes, so I please, view the changelog if you are a current user of it.
04/19/10 -
It's good to see a few interested in my mod. Not many, but a few, which is fine by me. At least the numbers are higher than the initial release. I have not received any emails about any problems, so I suppose either I have listed all the possible known bugs, or the users are too shy to contact me about any possible bugs.
So far, I have been able to successfully fix 80% of all the bugs and known issues so far. The Complete release (which will more likely be either next week or the beginning of May) should be a near perfect mod, but, sadly, with little to do. Hopefully in version 2 I will be able to add the quest and expand what is on the island a little.
Please check back for any possible updates every once in awhile.
*1.2* Arrow Chart
Level 1: 175 Iron Arrows Available
Level 5: 175 Steel Arrows Available
Level 9: 175 Silver Arrows Available
Level14: 175 Dwarven Arrows Available
Level17: 175 Elven Arrows Available
Level21: 175 Glass Arrows Available
Level26: 175 Ebony Arrows Available
Level30: 175 Daedric Arrows Available
(Please note this chart may not be 100% accurate, and at lower levels you SHOULD find a handful of the next set of arrows available from the merchant)
***According to a test run I made, the max number of arrows of a specific type that will ever spawn (oddly enough) is about 700. It is not a priority to me, but I will get around to fixing that eventually.
*2* Requirements
Obviously you will need the latest Oblivion patch, and that is it! Shivering Isles? NOPE!
However, I recommend you get the Beta of Side's Sailing Ships
(requires OBSE v18 beta 6)
and also Eddy107's Mountain Camp
(latest Oblivion Patch and that is it)
*3* Installation
Copy your Camp Simplicity.esp, Textures and Meshes folders into your Oblivion/Data directory. If prompted to merge/overwrite folders, say yes (it won't REALLY overwrite whats in the folder, it's just adding these files to your folder)
*4* Incompatability
The "Complete Version 1.0" will no longer be compatible with the Unique Landscape Project, however, on the brightside, it will now be compatible with the Knights of the Nine expansion!
Nexus user, and mod user omejrac has mentioned a minor conflict with the Knights of the Nine expansion. This conflict will not cause the game to crash but will disable you to experiancing this mod correctly. Please view the image to see the conflict.
Aside from that,there should be little to no incompatabilities. I made sure not to alter the landscape so UL wouldn't conflict. It might conflict with any other mod that uses that island, but as far as I know, there are no other mods that use that island.
This mod does trap a poor little, helpless mudcrab if you use OOO. it gets trapped underneath the dock. If you do not use OOO, I moved that monster spawn out of the way.
Yes I did make sure that by moving that it didn't cause problems with OOO, and it doesn't.
there were a few changes made to a few locations, but I do not believe it will cause any problems. If you Crash at a specific location, FIRST, test to find out what mod is causing it. If it is this mod, read the Usage and Contact section.
*5* Changelog
-Version 1 Complete: (D.O.R. 05/01/10)
*---hint notes only received once
*---magical floating items now resting on solid ground
*---No longer need to buy A Note, A Riddle, it comes with the EE
*---Easter Eggs now contain powerful (perhaps too powerful) spells and abilities.
*---Can now buy extra-long burning torches from Adv. Assis.
*---Added a teleportation spell to teleport to the camp from any place in Tamriel
*---Relocated the camp to a new island (now incompatable with UL that effects the Gold Coast)
*---added 2 additional Easter Eggs that ARE NOT books but just plain silliness
*---Changed readme to have more recent info.
*---possibly more changes until the complete version is released.
-Version 1 Beta: Initial Release 04/12/10
*6* Credit
I made the mod, Nolan Murillo, so this standalone mod is credited towards me. However there was inspiration involed and these people I think deserve credit:
Esspecially Side! thank you for your awesome mods!
Namely Eddy107! Seeing the friendly comments on your mod showed me it doesn't matter the complexity of the mod. Mods of simplicity are just as appreciated as complex ones.
Definately Gabriella! She'll never read these credits, she doesn't play Oblivion, but if you find the easter eggs you might be able to note how she deserves credit.
Namely Arthmoor, Tomlong, and Cliffworms! Each helped me in crossing off a few options when it came to solving a scripting issue, and Cliffworms showed me how to script a little bit.
And these easter eggs would not be complete without Dall's and Dragon Blade's 3D knowledge! Thank you

And ofcourse a big thanks to those who beta tested, and omejrac for pointing out a conflict.
*7* Known Bugs
Some of the easter eggs, when activated will give you a note, and every time you activate it you will recieve that note again and again. This will be fixed in a future installment (PLEASE NOTE: This has been fixed for Version 1.0 Complete
I did not get around to testing if I fixed this or not (see what happens when pressured under a time frame?) but there chair underneath the tent on the island, when getting up after a sit down may disable movement. (to fix, just fast travel somewhere)
There is a small, 2% chance when using the final easter egg (you'll know it when you get it) that you game may crash. This is not entirely dependant on this mod, but is dependant on how many script heavy mods you are running at the same time with this one. (please know it is not this mod alone, it can be any mod with a similar script)
When entering the the bonus area (hopefully you know what I am talking about) there is a chance you will fall through the floor. If you do, continue to move in the direction of the ground, even when you are below it. Eventually you will wind back on top. I will fix it ASAP
Do not drop the container for the last EE! there is no mesh (yet) for this item. If you do drop it, the only way to retrieve it is to reload. (PLEASE NOTE: This has been fixed in Version 1.0 Complete
I just played Oblivion for the first time to do REAL testing on the the mod, and I noticed some floating object, that, while in my haste to finish and upload, I forgot to move those objects down to touch the ground. (PLEASE NOTE: This has been fixed in Version 1.0 Complete
A building - part of the Knights of the Nine expansion pack - will split the camp in half. Currently I have no way of fixing this. I may recreate this mod but in a different location.
*8* Future Plans
1) Script the easter eggs so you only recieve the note once. (check! Done and ready for use in Complete Version 1.0!)
2) Expand the camp a little (I initially wanted it to be a small farming community, but due to the obtuse shape of the island it was difficult alone on placement of the tents alone! farming requires flat land, so due to UI I will have to figure something else out.
3) Add a book that can be found commonly throughout the world called A Brief History on Simplicity that will enlighten players about the rather elusive past of Camp Simplicity
4) Add one quest that will reveal more of Simplicities past.
5) remove all those pesky little bugs, and patch anything that is reported to me.
*9* Usage and Contact
Everything is free to use in this mod. If you use the custom made item, please credit Dall. If you use any idea or expand the camp itself, please credit me.
if you wish to expand on any ideas stated in this Mod please credit me, and inform me how you are expanding it. (I am not going to stop you, I just want to know how you wish to expand on the ideology in this mod.)
It would be really nice if you inform me that you are going to modify my mod in any form or fashion, but it is not required.
if you need to report a bug, congradulate me on my work, want to marry me, send hate mail, or need a psychiatrist then contact me at my semi - professional email.
friend_re_quest (a) yahoo (dot) com
*10* Just For the Official Forums
If you kept up with my topic "Black Plague of Tamriel" or something like that, you might know I have been experiancing issues with my Oblivion. Currently it is only running Shivering Isles and my mod, and I plan to leave it this way for a long time to make sure it is stable to prevent any time wasted into trying futily to fix it. If someone would kindly take the time to take an epic snappy for me using a pose/animation mod wielding the special bonus sword (which is a [censored] to get, btw...unless you are higher than level 10 and it is night outside) just send the snappy to the email address above and/or upload it to Camp Simplicity's Nexus page. Please do not reveal it's secret location though

I would appreciate it very much.
Oh, and if you didn't get why I made reference to my Black Plague topic and all that junk in the first sentence of this section...what I am saying, is that I cannot do this myself because I will not add a pose/animation mod. Besides I am not good at taking snappies in Oblivion.
Who ever does decide to take the snappy, I will tell you a short and quick easy way to attain the sword...however surviving long enough after you get it is a different story.
thank you thank you