Is it desired to put all the shops at the same place?
Yes. The street running south (where the baker, clock maker, barber, etc are) is the second main shopping street. The main market street runs east and west but isn't included in the above picture. is the overall view, tilted 90 degrees so that North is pointing to your left. The yellow line I drew is where the towns people can go buy things. The other merchants and workers make stuff, but they sell it strictly to the other businesses. And that's how they make their living. I'm aiming to make this town very interrelated and as realistically functional as the game engine will allow, where different merchants work together and it's what helps build the town and make it seem real and functional. The woodcutters cut timber, sell it to the furniture maker, who sells it to customers as well as other shops. The clockmaker buy wood from the woodcutters and paint from the paint shop and scrap metal from one of the metal smiths to make clocks. He then sells his clocks to not only customers, but to other shops, including the ones from whom he bought his resources. It's really more of a roleplay concept than something you can actually experience fully. But the aim is to make the town work together. And I do plan to make custom animations, like the roofers and thatchers down on their knees laying out plywood. One other thing I'm considering adding is a windmill outside the town for making grains. With that, I would need to make one of the denizens a "miller". And most of these people have families. So the ropemakers wife could be one of the scribes at the book shop. The needlemaker's friend could be the street sanitation worker. The possibilites for these NPC relationships is huge. And that's what we're going to achieve with this. I just need to consult
Regaez to see if a windmill would fit appropriately.
And the quests are going to be something else. I'm going to write quests that haven't been written before, of if they have, I haven't tried them out or seen them in any other TESIII mods. And I don't play a lot of quest mods so perhaps there are things I'll be writing that are redundant. oh well.... I going to write quests that deal alot with the relationships of the people of Pelagiad. My goal is to try and avoid the typical "deliver item A to location B" or "go kill this person or that creature". Another thing to note is that you won't easily find large sums of money, unless you successfully rob the bank or one of the nobles' homes. The bank is placed right next to the Mages & Fighters Guilds for a reason, as well as near the Guard Captain's home.
I mean, yes, there will be typical quests, but a lot of them I'm going to try and make as unique as I can.
So I'm asking again for opinions on the placement of the shops in the town. If everyone thinks it looks good, then I'll keep it the way it is and begin designing the interiors.