How do I change this back to the vanilla FNV behavior? I want the Guns in my inventory, when I mouse over them, to display their stats relative to normal rounds. I never thought of this before, but it's also a quick way to do two things at once: check your weapons, and take inventory of your current ammunition stocks. Now when I'm looking at my weapons, all I see is 0/0 JNK rounds. I'm not getting a true DPS/DAM rating and I'm losing the ability to see my current ammo stockpiles at the same time.
It's a small thing, I know, but it's the small stuff that drives me crazy :brokencomputer:
Please, any ideas? Could it be the position of the ammo subtypes in their corresponding formlist (i.e. the list that tells a weapon that it can use the vanilla round, a SWC round, HP round etc..)?
Edit: It was the order of items in the Ammo form lists. However Dead Money adds the junk rounds to ammo form lists (can't find a AddItemToFormList quest in the .esm), it puts them first and so the junk rounds are the default rounds for all guns. Manually making ammo form lists with the junk rounds as the last item switched the default ammo back.