But anyways I'm going to get on topic I believe (well it's painfully obvious) that all the DLC is connected in some way I'm going to go DLC by DLC to make my point so we can make a prediction on how Lonesome Road will turn out in the end I'm even going to make some references to what I've noticed in Nevada. Nevada: All I've found here is if you go into detail talking to Johnson Nash at Primm about your courier job that resulted in you getting shot in the head all he says is that the first courier 6 saw your name was next on the list and then decided not to do the job then something about how the winds of the Divide would sort you out later on from Dead Money we can tell the original courier 6 is Ulysses (from what I guess the main point to all the DLC ).
Dead Money: Not alot is shed during the main quests or anywhere else in the sierra madre but at the end when the narrator is talking you may get the "things to come" challenge complete of course this talks about the courier and Ulysses meeting in the big empty nothing is mentioned about the divide but what from we can tell the girl in Dead Money (I forgot her name sorry) was probably a test subject at the Big Empty and Ulysses helped her escape.
Honest Hearts: Though this may have nothing in it Joshua Grahm talks about a courier he met whom worked for Caesar's Legion my guess is this is Ulysses which means he either works for or had worked for Caesar's Legion at one point this information could actually be more valuable thank you think.
Old World Blues: Though this hasn't released yet from what I can tell from the description is that while your a test subject at the Big Empty you might be able to find some info on our friend Ulysses which may help determine that path that Lonesome Road will take anyways it says you can either turn the tables on your captors or help them I think helping them may lead to more info about Ulysses and Lonesome Road (though I doubt Obsidian would let us piece the story together that fast it's still a relevant Idea considering we know close to nothing about the DLC) or maybe killing them might reveal a holotape or some documents about Ulysses.
Lonesome Road: We know barely anything about this besides that Ulysses makes contact with you and says if you do one last courier job he will explain everything. Well thats what we know from the DLCs right now but here's what I think we know Ulysses obviously keeps showing up and he works or works for Caesar's Legion this makes me think that he was probably involved in everything that is currently happening in New Vegas to the Legion, NCR, and Mr. House going at it I also think he has something to do with everything that has happened to you and what he's planning probably involves all 4 factions (you, NCR,Mr.House and Caesar's Legion) and whatever it is proabably isn't just set In Nevada probably a much larger radius maybe even the whole of post apocalyptic America. That's my guess if you have anything to add or your own Idea please share.