Well I'm back (again) after having to revive my desktop (again!) and I installed FO3 fresh yesterday. The only mods I added were FWE, EVE, MMM, xCALIBR & the weapons shop, my own weapons (I'm like that
), Dragonskin Armor, and T3T's FWE tweaks to said items. Now it seems in my absence in the past few months some new and awesome mods have sprung up but I've probably overlooked some new ones, not to mention forgot about some old ones. I'm looking for mods that would go well with FWE too, and hell, maybe even some tips as to how not to get SLAUGHTERED (FWE is haaaard even with some settings turned down lol).
In short, what have been some good mods that have come out in the past few months that are FWE compatible?