It will be in 2 or 3 parts or so and will be coming out sometime in February or late January.
Its going to have a mission involving a Russian family The Volosheninov's. The Mission starts by you coming across a traveler Varlam who is a human who is as strong as a super mutant. When you first talk to him he tells you of his loss. You have him join you as a companion and when you go to certain locations (Westside or Freeside, Camp Golf and The North Gate to the strip.) He will say something about the failures of democracy and decentralization and state that if the men of 200 years ago were stronger the world would be better off. After you go to the locations he will mention that his several greats grandpa was a Spetsnaz Operator who was trapped in the US when the missiles hit. He continues to say that the NCR had captured his younger brother and sister and took them to a secret camp for having revolutionary ideas. He requests that you go to their old home north of the strip. At the house he opens a hatch which has a escape pod in it that once you enter will shoot to away to just outside the secret camp. Then you must find his siblings. Once they are safe you return to the house where his sister Pavlinka decides to immediately start cleaning and you can talk to his younger brother Nikolai who offers you a AK-103 and a suit of Spetsnaz Undercover Ops armor with a Soviet Bomber Hat which both give you a significant boost to stats. Once you return after 3-4 days Pavlinka will have cleaned the house and is can be aroused once you pass a few speech checks and will eventually sleep with you. Nikolai will sell weapons like a vendor and repair your stuff for free. Varlam is now in a V-90 Armored Super Soldier Suit and has a sort of RPG thing. So what do you think about it