Working on a few options with Fo3Edit to see if I can do it. Few questions:
1. Do you care about Navmeshes?
2. Is there anything in the wasteland that you want Left behind? River Water? Bridges? Or is empty land good enough?
Tried a few things without success, right now I've deep-copied the Wasteland worldspace into a blank plug-in, which worked, and I'm now going to see if I can wack all the items without it killing me in the process. Edit - nope, ran out of memory. on to Plan D.
Edit2: Gah this thing is so friggin big - I can't get any of the bulk operators to work on all 183740189734019823 cells, hmmm.
Edit3: LOL I keep exploding Fo3Edit and the GECK, this really is a GIANT worldspace :ahhh: No wonder the Bethesda team is making a new engine more suited to huge worlds. I have plenty of Ram, I need to PM Elminster and find out if I can allocate more memory with a run-time parameter. If I can get enough memory going, I _think_ I can do it.
Empty land would be nice. But, I'd happily take the statics. Water would be a bonus but not all that necessary or amazing to have. The statics would make what I'm doing with my hummer mod a breeze. Bigtime breeze.
My attempt at a geck copy... I'm not so sure it is going well. I just can't tell, it's taking so long, it seems disporportionally so. I guess I will end task it and opt for an FO3edit approach.
My system only has 2 gigs of memory atm.
Edit: Per FO3Edit: Out Of Memory
Edit2: pretty much everything I am trying, FO3edit is telling me I can take my puny 2 gigs of ram and put it where the sun don't shine.
fo3 devs probably seeing this thread and laughing at me. 2 gigs of ram + wasteland worldspace BAAHAHAAHH yeahh yeahh