I don't think updating from the original version to the current one is safe, unless clean saving, since the new one changes quite a lot.
You may be right - I noticed my character finally earned enough skill points to warrant going to the various fighter guilds to get accredited in said skills - starting with skingraad and journeyman blocking accreditation.
As I recall from previous versions - aren't I suppose to get a steel shield before the guy starts wailing on me?
This time I didn't and used my regular shield (better anyway) the problem is after 3 minutes of him hitting me I'm not passing and I cannot get out of the examination, so it is not not initializing the trial right. Tried a few times - the fastest fail was starting naked (hoping that would add the shield) and get smacked in the head with a silver warhammer.
No shield even shows up in my inventory either.
Or is my memory wrong and you use your normal shield? Either way there seems be a problem.
I've stayed on top of every update but have not attempted accreditation with the current version until now.
[edit] and shoot really post 201 ... I started this thread back when there were no caretakers and since then 3 modders have revised it. Am I to start the new one again? Been over a month since Gabba or Migck has been online here. Well anyone volunteering to take on first post editing responsibilities?