[RELz] Choices and Consequences

Post » Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:32 am

I don't think updating from the original version to the current one is safe, unless clean saving, since the new one changes quite a lot.

You may be right - I noticed my character finally earned enough skill points to warrant going to the various fighter guilds to get accredited in said skills - starting with skingraad and journeyman blocking accreditation.

As I recall from previous versions - aren't I suppose to get a steel shield before the guy starts wailing on me?

This time I didn't and used my regular shield (better anyway) the problem is after 3 minutes of him hitting me I'm not passing and I cannot get out of the examination, so it is not not initializing the trial right. Tried a few times - the fastest fail was starting naked (hoping that would add the shield) and get smacked in the head with a silver warhammer.

No shield even shows up in my inventory either.

Or is my memory wrong and you use your normal shield? Either way there seems be a problem.

I've stayed on top of every update but have not attempted accreditation with the current version until now.

[edit] and shoot really post 201 ... I started this thread back when there were no caretakers and since then 3 modders have revised it. Am I to start the new one again? Been over a month since Gabba or Migck has been online here. Well anyone volunteering to take on first post editing responsibilities?
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:00 am

I must admit that there has been so much back and forth, and with the problems with the FG tests, that I decided to make my own custom versions of the original files, with some things cut and some reported bugs fixed and some of Migck's and Gabba's fixes incorporated. One thing I was unable to fix and that was the Sins of the Father quest mentioned earlier. I know what is wrong, but the fix doesn't work, at least not with my old game. And I also fixed the dialogue so that the Accredetation and Faction Reputation topics don't show up untill you have actually joined the guilds. The updated versions uses the IsInFaction condition, but that didn't work when I tested. GetFactionRank (I think it's called) did work, though.
The rest I'll just have to test as I play.

In my experience the originals weren't that buggy, at least the Mages Guild went smoothly for me, the only minor problems being some inconsistent faction rank requirements and no way to tell your guild Reputation.
Never got far in the FG, though.
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:16 am

Share that with me and I will help play test. :whisper:
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Stryke Force
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Post » Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:20 am

Closed for post limit.
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Tina Tupou
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