Hey, back and a small explanation.
My MSN file got corrupted, and so I used eBuddy, as online version, but, since I don't really like eBuddy, I've rarely been on MSN. In the meantime, I've had other things to do, and after the first few weeks, I kept checking back here for posts, and since they were scarce, I assumed it was basicly dead, and forgot about it, on top of this, the new forum layout made it almost impossible for me to browse due to my slow internet. I've talked with PFA on MSN(He's always on

) but I wasn't able to get in touch with Seth, so I find is rarely on, and has a far different time zone to mine. So, I just checked back here, and whatnot. Seth just came on and sent me a message a bit ago, then went offline, so I came back to check in, basicly.
I'd prefer to have things as they are, even though I acknowledge things have run out of steam and imploded. I'm willing to continue to roleplay no matter what your guys decision is, if you manage to get the RP going again. I apoligise for my absence and my poor explanation for it.