Through out the elder scrolls franchise we've always had Fire, Frost, Lightning as a very agressive style of attacking as a spell caster. However i'd like to see a new form of spell used like Fire, Frost, and Lightning, but more passive aggressive, more under the influence of being elegant yet deadly. (Float like a butterfly still like a bee). Iam thinking more of a druid based system of spells. Using the enviroment to your advantage. Perhaps by calling upon roots to entangle your enimies or use nature it self to destroy its victims. Even call upon mother nature to defend you from harm, weather its thorn like armor for a timed period or whatever. As long as its done properly (which i think bethesda would have no problem doing since there absolutly fantastic) I think this could be very cool and give your more options of battle, since its more passive aggrressive. Now i know this is some where out of the question, since were in more of a snowy harsher enviroment then Oblivion, but iam just asking Bethesda to consider.... what do you guys think?