1 ) My companion Ed-e disappear. (I have read around forums that the same problem happen with Rex). Some info about my personal situation:
1a - I'm playing hardcoe difficult - (Italian Version);
1b - I'm sure He isn't slain in battle. When I've seen He was lost I loaded the last save, found him and choose a different way to avoid the problem, but after some minutes it happens again and again for the third time.......But this time I didn't realize it and when I done it was too late to come back
1c - When I reloaded I spoken with him and gave the order : "FOLLOW ME"....but he got lost the same way
1d - If I go to Lucky 38 and I ask Rex to go together he say to leave ED-e before, so he's alive...somewhere. I've done the same way I remember I've done when I loose him,....but no way.
The other problem is alway with ED-e (before he disappear):
2) I left him to the doctor just to comple the quest: "Ed-e my love" and she told me: "Come back in two days"......Meanwhile I've done some other quests. When I red "Ed-e is now at the Lucky 38" and I went to pick-up him.....his inventary was empty and lost all the weapons I left inside him.

The doctor just told me: "Are you ready to left Ed-e ??" nobody told me:"Be careful that by this way you'll loose everything you've inside him, like your sniper, fat man, etc.etc."
That's all
Do you Know a way to refound the disappear Ed-e or a way to left him definitely?
Do you Know where I can recover all Ed-e inventary ?
Greatings. Max