Enhance your combat experience! Time to give back your character his/her depth perception.
This mod aims to make combat a lot less frustrating by reducing the miss rate of close quarters fights alot and making Weapon Skill now effect how much damage you do instead and depending on which version you choose, Sanctuary and Agility will still mean something too!
NOTE: Requires MWSE (Morrowind Script Extender) 0.2 or higher, or MGE (Morriwind Graphics Extender)
Downlad at http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30791
The main features of this mod:
- Increases your hit chance by 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% (guranteed hit) accordingly (on top of your hit chance from Weapon Skill)
- Gives all NPCs you fight tougher skin by reducing the damage you do BASED on your weapon skill level
0-9 Weapon Skill = 90% reduced damage
10-19 Weapon Skill = 80% reduced damage
20-29 Weapon Skill = 70% reduced damage
30-39 Weapon Skill = 60% reduced damage
40-49 Weapon Skill = 50% reduced damage
50-59 Weapon Skill = 40% reduced damage
60-69 Weapon Skill = 30% reduced damage
70-79 Weapon Skill = 20% reduced damage
80-89 Weapon Skill = 10% reduced damage
90+ Weapon Skill = NO reduced damage
- All NPCs in the game also get increased hit chance according to the version you choose
Every NPC you encounter will have a Resist Normal Weapons ability added to them based on your currently equiped and DRAWN weapon, so if you have a Dagger out, then your Short Blade skill will decide the buff they get, or a Axe, then Axe skill. There is a limitation to this, you have to be close enough to have the NPC "targetted" for the effect to occur, so I believe Marksman will have to get a proper shot off first, otherwise I think zoom will do the same.
Added Fortify Attack spell to all playable races in the game (if there is a custom mod/race you want, PM me, I will happily add a patch) by either 25, 50, 75 or 100 that is the character's "Depth Perception". Each having different affects on average miss rate. There is a BTB - Character compatabilily version that INCLUDES everything in BTB - Character.esp so do not use both as the same time.
I use BTB's modifications to Wakim's Game Improvements, I would recommend having a look at them or atleast replacing the WGI version of Character changes to BTB's included in this mod. If there is another popular Birthsign/Race overhaul, please tell me and I will merge and create a patch.
Here is a brief run down of how the different versions will play out on miss chance:
25 will still depend heavily on weapon skill for accuracy. Whereas 50 will quickly go up to near 100% hit with 50+ weapon skill. And 75 and 100 versions will almost always be 100% hit except for when being debuffed and fighting an enemy with high Agility, Luck or Sanctuary bonus. In those cases, 75 will not be 100% till 75+ weapon skill.
As an example, two characters with:
Character 1
30 Weapon Skill
50 Agility
40 Luck
Character 2
50 Weapon Skill
30 Agility
40 Luck
vs. opponent with:
10 Sanctuary bonus (rare on NPCs)
50 Agility
40 Luck
Will have the following miss rates with each version:
Character 1's hit chances with:
25 = 52.5%
50 = 77.5%
75 = 100%
100 = 100%
Character 2's hit chances with:
25 = 72.5%
50 = 97.5%
75 = 100%
100 = 100%
Note: Only use ONE version of this mod, so only choose ONE .esp file.
Requires: MWSE >0.2 or MGE
If you want to use BTB's Character changes to races, birthsigns, etc. make sure you use CE-DepthPerception+BTB's Character.esp
CE-DepthPerception25 = 25% hit chance bonus
CE-DepthPerception50 = 50% hit chance bonus
CE-DepthPerception75 = 75% hit chance bonus
CE-DepthPerception100 = 100% hit chance bonus
1. Copy the .esp of your choice to (install folder)\Morrowind\Data\
2. Start Morrowind Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a tick next to the .esp file.
1. Start Morrowind Launcher, click Data Files, untick the .esp file.
2. Delete the .esp file from Morrowind\Data\
BTB for his great Character and Race modifications.
Also please, contact me on this thread, or through PM for:
- Race and character mod merges
- Suggestions
Downlad at http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30791